Computer Science 470 Assignments


Reading Assignments

Problem Sets

1/13 Read AIMA chapter 1
1/13 Homework #0: hw0.html. It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, January 30th. (It is also available in /c/cs470/hws/ from your Zoo account.)
1/22 Homework #1: hw1.html. It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, February 6th. (It is also available in /c/cs470/hws/hw1/ from your Zoo account.)
2/3 Homework #2: It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, February 13th. (It is also available in /c/cs470/hws/hw2/ from your Zoo account.)
2/7 Homework #3: hw3.html It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, February 20th. (It is also available in /c/cs470/hws/hw3/ from your Zoo account.)
2/14 Homework #4: hw4.html These are practice problems for chapters 6-9. They will not be graded, but should prepare you for the midterm. We will post the solutions ahead of time. You do not submit anything. (solutions)
3/4 Homework #5: hw5.html It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, April 2nd. These are problems from chapters 13, 14, and 17.
3/4 CS 570 Projects: projects.html Submit your project proposal by Thursday April 2nd via Canvas.
3/23 Homework #6: hw6.html It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, April 9th. hw6.ipynb
Extension to Sunday April 12th at 11:59pm.
4/6 Homework #7: hw7.html It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, April 16th. hw7.ipynb
Extension to Sunday April 26th at 11:59pm.
4/15 Homework #8: hw8.html It is due online via the Zoo submit system, at 11:59 Thursday, April 30th.
