Computer Science 470 Instructor and TA Contact Information


Address to reach ALL the staff with questions

Stephen Slade

Office: 014 AKW
Phone: (203) 432-1246

Teaching Fellows

  • Tim Adamson
  • Ning Luo

    Undergraduate Learning Associates

  • Emir Akdere
  • Valerie Chen
  • Jonathan Kraft
  • Lauren Liu
  • Jack Mitchell

    Help Hours Schedule

    The weekly OH schedule is pinned on Piazza and will be updated regularly. It is also posted on the Google calendar below. Office hours will be held in at the zoo, in the 3rd floor of AKW, 51 Prospect Street.

    If you cannot attend Help Hours, please post your questions to Piazza or the all-staff listserv. Note that posting your own code on Piazza is not allowed (except when you write code specifically for this purpose and it is not glaringly equivalent to code you intend to submit for credit).