{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# February 21, 2020" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## PLANNING IN THE REAL WORLD\n", "---\n", "## PROBLEM\n", "The `Problem` class is a wrapper for `PlanningProblem` with some additional functionality and data-structures to handle real-world planning problems that involve time and resource constraints.\n", "The `Problem` class includes everything that the `PlanningProblem` class includes.\n", "Additionally, it also includes the following attributes essential to define a real-world planning problem:\n", "- a list of `jobs` to be done\n", "- a dictionary of `resources`\n", "\n", "It also overloads the `act` method to call the `do_action` method of the `HLA` class, \n", "and also includes a new method `refinements` that finds refinements or primitive actions for high level actions.\n", "
\n", "`hierarchical_search` and `angelic_search` are also built into the `Problem` class to solve such planning problems." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 28, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from planningv2 import *\n", "from notebook import psource" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 29, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "

\n", "\n", "
class Problem(PlanningProblem):\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    Define real-world problems by aggregating resources as numerical quantities instead of\n",
       "    named entities.\n",
       "    This class is identical to PDLL, except that it overloads the act function to handle\n",
       "    resource and ordering conditions imposed by HLA as opposed to Action.\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    def __init__(self, init, goals, actions, jobs=None, resources=None):\n",
       "        super().__init__(init, goals, actions)\n",
       "        self.jobs = jobs\n",
       "        self.resources = resources or {}\n",
       "    def act(self, action):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Performs the HLA given as argument.\n",
       "        Note that this is different from the superclass action - where the parameter was an\n",
       "        Expression. For real world problems, an Expr object isn't enough to capture all the\n",
       "        detail required for executing the action - resources, preconditions, etc need to be\n",
       "        checked for too.\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        args = action.args\n",
       "        list_action = first(a for a in self.actions if a.name == action.name)\n",
       "        if list_action is None:\n",
       "            raise Exception("Action '{}' not found".format(action.name))\n",
       "        self.init = list_action.do_action(self.jobs, self.resources, self.init, args).clauses\n",
       "    def refinements(hla, state, library):  # refinements may be (multiple) HLA themselves ...\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        state is a Problem, containing the current state kb\n",
       "        library is a dictionary containing details for every possible refinement. eg:\n",
       "        {\n",
       "        'HLA': [\n",
       "            'Go(Home, SFO)',\n",
       "            'Go(Home, SFO)',\n",
       "            'Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)',\n",
       "            'Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)',\n",
       "            'Taxi(Home, SFO)'\n",
       "            ],\n",
       "        'steps': [\n",
       "            ['Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)', 'Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)'],\n",
       "            ['Taxi(Home, SFO)'],\n",
       "            [],\n",
       "            [],\n",
       "            []\n",
       "            ],\n",
       "        # empty refinements indicate a primitive action\n",
       "        'precond': [\n",
       "            ['At(Home) & Have(Car)'],\n",
       "            ['At(Home)'],\n",
       "            ['At(Home) & Have(Car)'],\n",
       "            ['At(SFOLongTermParking)'],\n",
       "            ['At(Home)']\n",
       "            ],\n",
       "        'effect': [\n",
       "            ['At(SFO) & ~At(Home)'],\n",
       "            ['At(SFO) & ~At(Home)'],\n",
       "            ['At(SFOLongTermParking) & ~At(Home)'],\n",
       "            ['At(SFO) & ~At(SFOLongTermParking)'],\n",
       "            ['At(SFO) & ~At(Home)']\n",
       "            ]\n",
       "        }\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        e = Expr(hla.name, hla.args)\n",
       "        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(library['HLA']) if expr(x).op == hla.name]\n",
       "        for i in indices:\n",
       "            actions = []\n",
       "            for j in range(len(library['steps'][i])):\n",
       "                # find the index of the step [j]  of the HLA \n",
       "                index_step = [k for k,x in enumerate(library['HLA']) if x == library['steps'][i][j]][0]\n",
       "                precond = library['precond'][index_step][0] # preconditions of step [j]\n",
       "                effect = library['effect'][index_step][0] # effect of step [j]\n",
       "                actions.append(HLA(library['steps'][i][j], precond, effect))\n",
       "            yield actions\n",
       "    def hierarchical_search(problem, hierarchy):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        [Figure 11.5] 'Hierarchical Search, a Breadth First Search implementation of Hierarchical\n",
       "        Forward Planning Search'\n",
       "        The problem is a real-world problem defined by the problem class, and the hierarchy is\n",
       "        a dictionary of HLA - refinements (see refinements generator for details)\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        act = Node(problem.init, None, [problem.actions[0]])\n",
       "        frontier = deque()\n",
       "        frontier.append(act)\n",
       "        while True:\n",
       "            if not frontier:\n",
       "                return None\n",
       "            plan = frontier.popleft()\n",
       "            (hla, index) = Problem.find_hla(plan, hierarchy) # finds the first non primitive hla in plan actions\n",
       "            prefix = plan.action[:index]\n",
       "            outcome = Problem(Problem.result(problem.init, prefix), problem.goals , problem.actions )\n",
       "            suffix = plan.action[index+1:]\n",
       "            if not hla: # hla is None and plan is primitive\n",
       "                if outcome.goal_test():\n",
       "                    return plan.action\n",
       "            else:\n",
       "                for sequence in Problem.refinements(hla, outcome, hierarchy): # find refinements\n",
       "                    frontier.append(Node(outcome.init, plan, prefix + sequence+ suffix))\n",
       "    def result(state, actions):\n",
       "        """The outcome of applying an action to the current problem"""\n",
       "        for a in actions: \n",
       "            if a.check_precond(state, a.args):\n",
       "                state = a(state, a.args).clauses\n",
       "        return state\n",
       "    \n",
       "    def angelic_search(problem, hierarchy, initialPlan):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "\t[Figure 11.8] A hierarchical planning algorithm that uses angelic semantics to identify and\n",
       "\tcommit to high-level plans that work while avoiding high-level plans that don’t. \n",
       "\tThe predicate MAKING-PROGRESS checks to make sure that we aren’t stuck in an infinite regression\n",
       "\tof refinements. \n",
       "\tAt top level, call ANGELIC -SEARCH with [Act ] as the initialPlan .\n",
       "        initialPlan contains a sequence of HLA's with angelic semantics \n",
       "        The possible effects of an angelic HLA in initialPlan are : \n",
       "        ~ : effect remove\n",
       "        $+: effect possibly add\n",
       "        $-: effect possibly remove\n",
       "        $$: possibly add or remove\n",
       "        frontier = deque(initialPlan)\n",
       "        while True: \n",
       "            if not frontier:\n",
       "                return None\n",
       "            plan = frontier.popleft() # sequence of HLA/Angelic HLA's \n",
       "            opt_reachable_set = Problem.reach_opt(problem.init, plan)\n",
       "            pes_reachable_set = Problem.reach_pes(problem.init, plan)\n",
       "            if problem.intersects_goal(opt_reachable_set): \n",
       "                if Problem.is_primitive( plan, hierarchy ): \n",
       "                    return ([x for x in plan.action])\n",
       "                guaranteed = problem.intersects_goal(pes_reachable_set) \n",
       "                if guaranteed and Problem.making_progress(plan, initialPlan):\n",
       "                    final_state = guaranteed[0] # any element of guaranteed \n",
       "                    return Problem.decompose(hierarchy, problem, plan, final_state, pes_reachable_set)\n",
       "                hla, index = Problem.find_hla(plan, hierarchy) # there should be at least one HLA/Angelic_HLA, otherwise plan would be primitive.\n",
       "                prefix = plan.action[:index]\n",
       "                suffix = plan.action[index+1:]\n",
       "                outcome = Problem(Problem.result(problem.init, prefix), problem.goals , problem.actions )\n",
       "                for sequence in Problem.refinements(hla, outcome, hierarchy): # find refinements\n",
       "                    frontier.append(Angelic_Node(outcome.init, plan, prefix + sequence+ suffix, prefix+sequence+suffix))\n",
       "    def intersects_goal(problem, reachable_set):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Find the intersection of the reachable states and the goal\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        return [y for x in list(reachable_set.keys()) for y in reachable_set[x] if all(goal in y for goal in problem.goals)] \n",
       "    def is_primitive(plan,  library):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        checks if the hla is primitive action \n",
       "        """\n",
       "        for hla in plan.action: \n",
       "            indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(library['HLA']) if expr(x).op == hla.name]\n",
       "            for i in indices:\n",
       "                if library["steps"][i]: \n",
       "                    return False\n",
       "        return True\n",
       "             \n",
       "    def reach_opt(init, plan): \n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Finds the optimistic reachable set of the sequence of actions in plan \n",
       "        """\n",
       "        reachable_set = {0: [init]}\n",
       "        optimistic_description = plan.action #list of angelic actions with optimistic description\n",
       "        return Problem.find_reachable_set(reachable_set, optimistic_description)\n",
       " \n",
       "    def reach_pes(init, plan): \n",
       "        """ \n",
       "        Finds the pessimistic reachable set of the sequence of actions in plan\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        reachable_set = {0: [init]}\n",
       "        pessimistic_description = plan.action_pes # list of angelic actions with pessimistic description\n",
       "        return Problem.find_reachable_set(reachable_set, pessimistic_description)\n",
       "    def find_reachable_set(reachable_set, action_description):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "\tFinds the reachable states of the action_description when applied in each state of reachable set.\n",
       "        for i in range(len(action_description)):\n",
       "            reachable_set[i+1]=[]\n",
       "            if type(action_description[i]) is Angelic_HLA:\n",
       "                possible_actions = action_description[i].angelic_action()\n",
       "            else: \n",
       "                possible_actions = action_description\n",
       "            for action in possible_actions:\n",
       "                for state in reachable_set[i]:\n",
       "                    if action.check_precond(state , action.args) :\n",
       "                        if action.effect[0] :\n",
       "                            new_state = action(state, action.args).clauses\n",
       "                            reachable_set[i+1].append(new_state)\n",
       "                        else: \n",
       "                            reachable_set[i+1].append(state)\n",
       "        return reachable_set\n",
       "    def find_hla(plan, hierarchy):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Finds the the first HLA action in plan.action, which is not primitive\n",
       "        and its corresponding index in plan.action\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        hla = None\n",
       "        index = len(plan.action)\n",
       "        for i in range(len(plan.action)): # find the first HLA in plan, that is not primitive\n",
       "            if not Problem.is_primitive(Node(plan.state, plan.parent, [plan.action[i]]), hierarchy):\n",
       "                hla = plan.action[i] \n",
       "                index = i\n",
       "                break\n",
       "        return hla, index\n",
       "    def making_progress(plan, initialPlan):\n",
       "        """ \n",
       "        Prevents from infinite regression of refinements  \n",
       "        (infinite regression of refinements happens when the algorithm finds a plan that \n",
       "        its pessimistic reachable set intersects the goal inside a call to decompose on the same plan, in the same circumstances)  \n",
       "        """\n",
       "        for i in range(len(initialPlan)):\n",
       "            if (plan == initialPlan[i]):\n",
       "                return False\n",
       "        return True \n",
       "    def decompose(hierarchy, s_0, plan, s_f, reachable_set):\n",
       "        solution = [] \n",
       "        i = max(reachable_set.keys())\n",
       "        while plan.action_pes: \n",
       "            action = plan.action_pes.pop()\n",
       "            if (i==0): \n",
       "                return solution\n",
       "            s_i = Problem.find_previous_state(s_f, reachable_set,i, action) \n",
       "            problem = Problem(s_i, s_f , plan.action)\n",
       "            angelic_call = Problem.angelic_search(problem, hierarchy, [Angelic_Node(s_i, Node(None), [action],[action])])\n",
       "            if angelic_call:\n",
       "                for x in angelic_call: \n",
       "                    solution.insert(0,x)\n",
       "            else: \n",
       "                return None\n",
       "            s_f = s_i\n",
       "            i-=1\n",
       "        return solution\n",
       "    def find_previous_state(s_f, reachable_set, i, action):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Given a final state s_f and an action finds a state s_i in reachable_set \n",
       "        such that when action is applied to state s_i returns s_f.  \n",
       "        """\n",
       "        s_i = reachable_set[i-1][0]\n",
       "        for state in reachable_set[i-1]:\n",
       "            if s_f in [x for x in Problem.reach_pes(state, Angelic_Node(state, None, [action],[action]))[1]]:\n",
       "                s_i =state\n",
       "                break\n",
       "        return s_i\n",
\n", "\n", "\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "psource(Problem)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## HLA = High-Level Action\n", "To be able to model a real-world planning problem properly, it is essential to be able to represent a _high-level action (HLA)_ that can be hierarchically reduced to primitive actions." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Note: I have modified planningv2.py to include the debug decorator for HLA do_action" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 30, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "

\n", "\n", "
def debug(f):\n",
       "    def g(*args):\n",
       "        print ("Calling: {} with args: {}".format(f.__name__, args))\n",
       "        val = f(*args)\n",
       "        print ("Exiting: {} with value: {}".format(f.__name__, val))\n",
       "        print()\n",
       "        return val\n",
       "    return g \n",
\n", "\n", "\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "psource(debug)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 31, "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "

\n", "\n", "
class HLA(Action):\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    Define Actions for the real-world (that may be refined further), and satisfy resource\n",
       "    constraints.\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    unique_group = 1\n",
       "    def __init__(self, action, precond=None, effect=None, duration=0,\n",
       "                 consume=None, use=None):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        As opposed to actions, to define HLA, we have added constraints.\n",
       "        duration holds the amount of time required to execute the task\n",
       "        consumes holds a dictionary representing the resources the task consumes\n",
       "        uses holds a dictionary representing the resources the task uses\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        precond = precond or [None]\n",
       "        effect = effect or [None]\n",
       "        super().__init__(action, precond, effect)\n",
       "        self.duration = duration\n",
       "        self.consumes = consume or {}\n",
       "        self.uses = use or {}\n",
       "        self.completed = False\n",
       "        # self.priority = -1 #  must be assigned in relation to other HLAs\n",
       "        # self.job_group = -1 #  must be assigned in relation to other HLAs\n",
       "    @debug\n",
       "    def do_action(self, job_order, available_resources, kb, args):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        An HLA based version of act - along with knowledge base updation, it handles\n",
       "        resource checks, and ensures the actions are executed in the correct order.\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        # print(self.name)\n",
       "        if not self.has_usable_resource(available_resources):\n",
       "            raise Exception('Not enough usable resources to execute {}'.format(self.name))\n",
       "        if not self.has_consumable_resource(available_resources):\n",
       "            raise Exception('Not enough consumable resources to execute {}'.format(self.name))\n",
       "        if not self.inorder(job_order):\n",
       "            raise Exception("Can't execute {} - execute prerequisite actions first".\n",
       "                            format(self.name))\n",
       "        kb = super().act(kb, args)  # update knowledge base\n",
       "        for resource in self.consumes:  # remove consumed resources\n",
       "            available_resources[resource] -= self.consumes[resource]\n",
       "        self.completed = True  # set the task status to complete\n",
       "        return kb\n",
       "    def has_consumable_resource(self, available_resources):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Ensure there are enough consumable resources for this action to execute.\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        for resource in self.consumes:\n",
       "            if available_resources.get(resource) is None:\n",
       "                return False\n",
       "            if available_resources[resource] < self.consumes[resource]:\n",
       "                return False\n",
       "        return True\n",
       "    def has_usable_resource(self, available_resources):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Ensure there are enough usable resources for this action to execute.\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        for resource in self.uses:\n",
       "            if available_resources.get(resource) is None:\n",
       "                return False\n",
       "            if available_resources[resource] < self.uses[resource]:\n",
       "                return False\n",
       "        return True\n",
       "    def inorder(self, job_order):\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        Ensure that all the jobs that had to be executed before the current one have been\n",
       "        successfully executed.\n",
       "        """\n",
       "        for jobs in job_order:\n",
       "            if self in jobs:\n",
       "                for job in jobs:\n",
       "                    if job is self:\n",
       "                        return True\n",
       "                    if not job.completed:\n",
       "                        return False\n",
       "        return True\n",
\n", "\n", "\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "psource(HLA)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "In addition to preconditions and effects, an object of the `HLA` class also stores:\n", "- the `duration` of the HLA\n", "- the quantity of consumption of _consumable_ resources\n", "- the quantity of _reusable_ resources used\n", "- a bool `completed` denoting if the `HLA` has been completed\n", "\n", "The class also has some useful helper methods:\n", "- `do_action`: checks if required consumable and reusable resources are available and if so, executes the action.\n", "- `has_consumable_resource`: checks if there exists sufficient quantity of the required consumable resource.\n", "- `has_usable_resource`: checks if reusable resources are available and not already engaged.\n", "- `inorder`: ensures that all the jobs that had to be executed before the current one have been successfully executed." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## PLANNING PROBLEMS\n", "---\n", "## Job-shop Problem\n", "This is a simple problem involving the assembly of two cars simultaneously.\n", "The problem consists of two jobs, each of the form [`AddEngine`, `AddWheels`, `Inspect`] to be performed on two cars with different requirements and availability of resources.\n", "
\n", "Let's look at how the `job_shop_problem` has been defined on the module." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 32, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "

\n", "\n", "
def job_shop_problem():\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    [Figure 11.1] JOB-SHOP-PROBLEM\n",
       "    A job-shop scheduling problem for assembling two cars,\n",
       "    with resource and ordering constraints.\n",
       "    Example:\n",
       "    >>> from planning import *\n",
       "    >>> p = job_shop_problem()\n",
       "    >>> p.goal_test()\n",
       "    False\n",
       "    >>> p.act(p.jobs[1][0])\n",
       "    >>> p.act(p.jobs[1][1])\n",
       "    >>> p.act(p.jobs[1][2])\n",
       "    >>> p.act(p.jobs[0][0])\n",
       "    >>> p.act(p.jobs[0][1])\n",
       "    >>> p.goal_test()\n",
       "    False\n",
       "    >>> p.act(p.jobs[0][2])\n",
       "    >>> p.goal_test()\n",
       "    True\n",
       "    >>>\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    resources = {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 500}\n",
       "    add_engine1 = HLA('AddEngine1', precond='~Has(C1, E1)', effect='Has(C1, E1)', duration=30, use={'EngineHoists': 1})\n",
       "    add_engine2 = HLA('AddEngine2', precond='~Has(C2, E2)', effect='Has(C2, E2)', duration=60, use={'EngineHoists': 1})\n",
       "    add_wheels1 = HLA('AddWheels1', precond='~Has(C1, W1)', effect='Has(C1, W1)', duration=30, use={'WheelStations': 1}, consume={'LugNuts': 20})\n",
       "    add_wheels2 = HLA('AddWheels2', precond='~Has(C2, W2)', effect='Has(C2, W2)', duration=15, use={'WheelStations': 1}, consume={'LugNuts': 20})\n",
       "    inspect1 = HLA('Inspect1', precond='~Inspected(C1)', effect='Inspected(C1)', duration=10, use={'Inspectors': 1})\n",
       "    inspect2 = HLA('Inspect2', precond='~Inspected(C2)', effect='Inspected(C2)', duration=10, use={'Inspectors': 1})\n",
       "    actions = [add_engine1, add_engine2, add_wheels1, add_wheels2, inspect1, inspect2]\n",
       "    job_group1 = [add_engine1, add_wheels1, inspect1]\n",
       "    job_group2 = [add_engine2, add_wheels2, inspect2]\n",
       "    return Problem(init='Car(C1) & Car(C2) & Wheels(W1) & Wheels(W2) & Engine(E2) & Engine(E2) & ~Has(C1, E1) & ~Has(C2, E2) & ~Has(C1, W1) & ~Has(C2, W2) & ~Inspected(C1) & ~Inspected(C2)',\n",
       "                   goals='Has(C1, W1) & Has(C1, E1) & Inspected(C1) & Has(C2, W2) & Has(C2, E2) & Inspected(C2)',\n",
       "                   actions=actions,\n",
       "                   jobs=[job_group1, job_group2],\n",
       "                   resources=resources)\n",
\n", "\n", "\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "psource(job_shop_problem)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The states of this problem are:\n", "
\n", "
\n", "**Has(x, y)**: Car **'x'** _has_ **'y'** where **'y'** can be an Engine or a Wheel.\n", "\n", "**~Has(x, y)**: Car **'x'** does _not have_ **'y'** where **'y'** can be an Engine or a Wheel.\n", "\n", "**Inspected(c)**: Car **'c'** has been _inspected_.\n", "\n", "**~Inspected(c)**: Car **'c'** has _not_ been inspected.\n", "\n", "In the initial state, `C1` and `C2` are cars and neither have an engine or wheels and haven't been inspected.\n", "`E1` and `E2` are engines.\n", "`W1` and `W2` are wheels.\n", "
\n", "Our goal is to have engines and wheels on both cars and to get them inspected. We will discuss how to achieve this.\n", "
\n", "Let's define an object of the `job_shop_problem`." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 33, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "jobShopProblem = job_shop_problem()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Before taking any actions, we will check if `jobShopProblem` has reached its goal." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 34, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "False\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(jobShopProblem.goal_test())" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "We now define a possible solution that can help us reach the goal. \n", "The actions are then carried out on the `jobShopProblem` object.\n", "\n", "The following actions are available to us:\n", "\n", "**AddEngine1**: Adds an engine to the car C1. Takes 30 minutes to complete and uses an engine hoist.\n", " \n", "**AddEngine2**: Adds an engine to the car C2. Takes 60 minutes to complete and uses an engine hoist.\n", "\n", "**AddWheels1**: Adds wheels to car C1. Takes 30 minutes to complete. Uses a wheel station and consumes 20 lug nuts.\n", "\n", "**AddWheels2**: Adds wheels to car C2. Takes 15 minutes to complete. Uses a wheel station and consumes 20 lug nuts as well.\n", "\n", "**Inspect1**: Gets car C1 inspected. Requires 10 minutes of inspection by one inspector.\n", "\n", "**Inspect2**: Gets car C2 inspected. Requires 10 minutes of inspection by one inspector." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 35, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Calling: do_action with args: (HLA(AddEngine2), [[HLA(AddEngine1), HLA(AddWheels1), HLA(Inspect1)], [HLA(AddEngine2), HLA(AddWheels2), HLA(Inspect2)]], {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 500}, [Car(C1), Car(C2), Wheels(W1), Wheels(W2), Engine(E2), Engine(E2), NotHas(C1, E1), NotHas(C2, E2), NotHas(C1, W1), NotHas(C2, W2), NotInspected(C1), NotInspected(C2)], ())\n", "Exiting: do_action with value: \n", "\n", "Calling: do_action with args: (HLA(AddWheels2), [[HLA(AddEngine1), HLA(AddWheels1), HLA(Inspect1)], [HLA(AddEngine2), HLA(AddWheels2), HLA(Inspect2)]], {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 500}, [Car(C1), Car(C2), Wheels(W1), Wheels(W2), Engine(E2), Engine(E2), NotHas(C1, E1), NotHas(C1, W1), NotHas(C2, W2), NotInspected(C1), NotInspected(C2), Has(C2, E2)], ())\n", "Exiting: do_action with value: \n", "\n", "Calling: do_action with args: (HLA(Inspect2), [[HLA(AddEngine1), HLA(AddWheels1), HLA(Inspect1)], [HLA(AddEngine2), HLA(AddWheels2), HLA(Inspect2)]], {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 480}, [Car(C1), Car(C2), Wheels(W1), Wheels(W2), Engine(E2), Engine(E2), NotHas(C1, E1), NotHas(C1, W1), NotInspected(C1), NotInspected(C2), Has(C2, E2), Has(C2, W2)], ())\n", "Exiting: do_action with value: \n", "\n", "Calling: do_action with args: (HLA(AddEngine1), [[HLA(AddEngine1), HLA(AddWheels1), HLA(Inspect1)], [HLA(AddEngine2), HLA(AddWheels2), HLA(Inspect2)]], {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 480}, [Car(C1), Car(C2), Wheels(W1), Wheels(W2), Engine(E2), Engine(E2), NotHas(C1, E1), NotHas(C1, W1), NotInspected(C1), Has(C2, E2), Has(C2, W2), Inspected(C2)], ())\n", "Exiting: do_action with value: \n", "\n", "Calling: do_action with args: (HLA(AddWheels1), [[HLA(AddEngine1), HLA(AddWheels1), HLA(Inspect1)], [HLA(AddEngine2), HLA(AddWheels2), HLA(Inspect2)]], {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 480}, [Car(C1), Car(C2), Wheels(W1), Wheels(W2), Engine(E2), Engine(E2), NotHas(C1, W1), NotInspected(C1), Has(C2, E2), Has(C2, W2), Inspected(C2), Has(C1, E1)], ())\n", "Exiting: do_action with value: \n", "\n", "Calling: do_action with args: (HLA(Inspect1), [[HLA(AddEngine1), HLA(AddWheels1), HLA(Inspect1)], [HLA(AddEngine2), HLA(AddWheels2), HLA(Inspect2)]], {'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 460}, [Car(C1), Car(C2), Wheels(W1), Wheels(W2), Engine(E2), Engine(E2), NotInspected(C1), Has(C2, E2), Has(C2, W2), Inspected(C2), Has(C1, E1), Has(C1, W1)], ())\n", "Exiting: do_action with value: \n", "\n" ] } ], "source": [ "solution = [jobShopProblem.jobs[1][0],\n", " jobShopProblem.jobs[1][1],\n", " jobShopProblem.jobs[1][2],\n", " jobShopProblem.jobs[0][0],\n", " jobShopProblem.jobs[0][1],\n", " jobShopProblem.jobs[0][2]]\n", "\n", "for action in solution:\n", " jobShopProblem.act(action)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The above output is due to the debug decorator. If you remove debug, there is no output." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 36, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "True\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(jobShopProblem.goal_test())" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "This is a valid solution and one of many correct ways to solve this problem." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 37, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'EngineHoists': 1, 'WheelStations': 2, 'Inspectors': 2, 'LugNuts': 460}" ] }, "execution_count": 37, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "jobShopProblem.resources" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Double tennis problem\n", "This problem is a simple case of a multiactor planning problem, where two agents act at once and can simultaneously change the current state of the problem. \n", "A correct plan is one that, if executed by the actors, achieves the goal.\n", "In the true multiagent setting, of course, the agents may not agree to execute any particular plan, but atleast they will know what plans _would_ work if they _did_ agree to execute them.\n", "
\n", "In the double tennis problem, two actors A and B are playing together and can be in one of four locations: `LeftBaseLine`, `RightBaseLine`, `LeftNet` and `RightNet`.\n", "The ball can be returned only if a player is in the right place.\n", "Each action must include the actor as an argument.\n", "
\n", "Let's first look at the definition of the `double_tennis_problem` in the module." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 38, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "

\n", "\n", "
def double_tennis_problem():\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    [Figure 11.10] DOUBLE-TENNIS-PROBLEM\n",
       "    A multiagent planning problem involving two partner tennis players\n",
       "    trying to return an approaching ball and repositioning around in the court.\n",
       "    Example:\n",
       "    >>> from planning import *\n",
       "    >>> dtp = double_tennis_problem()\n",
       "    >>> goal_test(dtp.goals, dtp.init)\n",
       "    False\n",
       "    >>> dtp.act(expr('Go(A, RightBaseLine, LeftBaseLine)'))\n",
       "    >>> dtp.act(expr('Hit(A, Ball, RightBaseLine)'))\n",
       "    >>> goal_test(dtp.goals, dtp.init)\n",
       "    False\n",
       "    >>> dtp.act(expr('Go(A, LeftNet, RightBaseLine)'))\n",
       "    >>> goal_test(dtp.goals, dtp.init)\n",
       "    True\n",
       "    >>>\n",
       "    """\n",
       "    return PlanningProblem(init='At(A, LeftBaseLine) & At(B, RightNet) & Approaching(Ball, RightBaseLine) & Partner(A, B) & Partner(B, A)',\n",
       "                             goals='Returned(Ball) & At(A, LeftNet) & At(B, RightNet)',\n",
       "                             actions=[Action('Hit(actor, Ball, loc)',\n",
       "                                             precond='Approaching(Ball, loc) & At(actor, loc)',\n",
       "                                             effect='Returned(Ball)'),\n",
       "                                      Action('Go(actor, to, loc)', \n",
       "                                             precond='At(actor, loc)',\n",
       "                                             effect='At(actor, to) & ~At(actor, loc)')])\n",
\n", "\n", "\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "psource(double_tennis_problem)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The states of this problem are:\n", "\n", "**Approaching(Ball, loc)**: The `Ball` is approaching the location `loc`.\n", "\n", "**Returned(Ball)**: One of the actors successfully hit the approaching ball from the correct location which caused it to return to the other side.\n", "\n", "**At(actor, loc)**: `actor` is at location `loc`.\n", "\n", "**~At(actor, loc)**: `actor` is _not_ at location `loc`.\n", "\n", "Let's now define an object of `double_tennis_problem`.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 39, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "doubleTennisProblem = double_tennis_problem()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Before taking any actions, we will check if `doubleTennisProblem` has reached the goal." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 40, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "False\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(doubleTennisProblem.goal_test())" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "As we can see, the goal hasn't been reached. \n", "We now define a possible solution that can help us reach the goal of having the ball returned.\n", "The actions will then be carried out on the `doubleTennisProblem` object.\n", "\n", "The actions available to us are the following:\n", "\n", "**Hit(actor, ball, loc)**: returns an approaching ball if `actor` is present at the `loc` that the ball is approaching.\n", "\n", "**Go(actor, to, loc)**: moves an `actor` from location `loc` to location `to`.\n", "\n", "We notice something different in this problem though, \n", "which is quite unlike any other problem we have seen so far. \n", "The goal state of the problem contains a variable `a`.\n", "This happens sometimes in multiagent planning problems \n", "and it means that it doesn't matter _which_ actor is at the `LeftNet` or the `RightNet`, as long as there is atleast one actor at either `LeftNet` or `RightNet`." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 41, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "solution = [expr('Go(A, RightBaseLine, LeftBaseLine)'),\n", " expr('Hit(A, Ball, RightBaseLine)'),\n", " expr('Go(A, LeftNet, RightBaseLine)')]\n", "\n", "for action in solution:\n", " doubleTennisProblem.act(action)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 44, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "False" ] }, "execution_count": 44, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "doubleTennisProblem.goal_test()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Oops! It did not work! There is a bug in the code. Find the bug and report it in polleverywhere." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 43, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "['__class__',\n", " '__delattr__',\n", " '__dict__',\n", " '__dir__',\n", " '__doc__',\n", " '__eq__',\n", " '__format__',\n", " '__ge__',\n", " '__getattribute__',\n", " '__gt__',\n", " '__hash__',\n", " '__init__',\n", " '__init_subclass__',\n", " '__le__',\n", " '__lt__',\n", " '__module__',\n", " '__ne__',\n", " '__new__',\n", " '__reduce__',\n", " '__reduce_ex__',\n", " '__repr__',\n", " '__setattr__',\n", " '__sizeof__',\n", " '__str__',\n", " '__subclasshook__',\n", " '__weakref__',\n", " 'act',\n", " 'actions',\n", " 'convert',\n", " 'goal_test',\n", " 'goals',\n", " 'init']" ] }, "execution_count": 43, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dir(doubleTennisProblem)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 27, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[Returned(Ball), At(A, LeftNet), At(A, RightNet)]" ] }, "execution_count": 27, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "doubleTennisProblem.goals" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[At(B, RightNet),\n", " Approaching(Ball, RightBaseLine),\n", " Partner(A, B),\n", " Partner(B, A),\n", " NotAt(A, LeftBaseLine),\n", " Returned(Ball),\n", " At(A, LeftNet),\n", " NotAt(A, RightBaseLine)]" ] }, "execution_count": 19, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "doubleTennisProblem.init" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.7.6" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }