"""CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problems) problems and solvers. (Chapter 6).""" from utils import argmin_random_tie, count, first import search from collections import defaultdict from functools import reduce import itertools import re import random class CSP(search.Problem): """This class describes finite-domain Constraint Satisfaction Problems. A CSP is specified by the following inputs: variables A list of variables; each is atomic (e.g. int or string). domains A dict of {var:[possible_value, ...]} entries. neighbors A dict of {var:[var,...]} that for each variable lists the other variables that participate in constraints. constraints A function f(A, a, B, b) that returns true if neighbors A, B satisfy the constraint when they have values A=a, B=b In the textbook and in most mathematical definitions, the constraints are specified as explicit pairs of allowable values, but the formulation here is easier to express and more compact for most cases. (For example, the n-Queens problem can be represented in O(n) space using this notation, instead of O(N^4) for the explicit representation.) In terms of describing the CSP as a problem, that's all there is. However, the class also supports data structures and methods that help you solve CSPs by calling a search function on the CSP. Methods and slots are as follows, where the argument 'a' represents an assignment, which is a dict of {var:val} entries: assign(var, val, a) Assign a[var] = val; do other bookkeeping unassign(var, a) Do del a[var], plus other bookkeeping nconflicts(var, val, a) Return the number of other variables that conflict with var=val curr_domains[var] Slot: remaining consistent values for var Used by constraint propagation routines. The following methods are used only by graph_search and tree_search: actions(state) Return a list of actions result(state, action) Return a successor of state goal_test(state) Return true if all constraints satisfied The following are just for debugging purposes: nassigns Slot: tracks the number of assignments made display(a) Print a human-readable representation """ def __init__(self, variables, domains, neighbors, constraints): """Construct a CSP problem. If variables is empty, it becomes domains.keys().""" variables = variables or list(domains.keys()) self.variables = variables self.domains = domains self.neighbors = neighbors self.constraints = constraints self.initial = () self.curr_domains = None self.nassigns = 0 def assign(self, var, val, assignment): """Add {var: val} to assignment; Discard the old value if any.""" assignment[var] = val self.nassigns += 1 def unassign(self, var, assignment): """Remove {var: val} from assignment. DO NOT call this if you are changing a variable to a new value; just call assign for that.""" if var in assignment: del assignment[var] def nconflicts(self, var, val, assignment): """Return the number of conflicts var=val has with other variables.""" # Subclasses may implement this more efficiently def conflict(var2): return (var2 in assignment and not self.constraints(var, val, var2, assignment[var2])) return count(conflict(v) for v in self.neighbors[var]) def display(self, assignment): """Show a human-readable representation of the CSP.""" # Subclasses can print in a prettier way, or display with a GUI print('CSP:', self, 'with assignment:', assignment) # These methods are for the tree and graph-search interface: def actions(self, state): """Return a list of applicable actions: nonconflicting assignments to an unassigned variable.""" if len(state) == len(self.variables): return [] else: assignment = dict(state) var = first([v for v in self.variables if v not in assignment]) return [(var, val) for val in self.domains[var] if self.nconflicts(var, val, assignment) == 0] def result(self, state, action): """Perform an action and return the new state.""" (var, val) = action return state + ((var, val),) def goal_test(self, state): """The goal is to assign all variables, with all constraints satisfied.""" assignment = dict(state) return (len(assignment) == len(self.variables) and all(self.nconflicts(variables, assignment[variables], assignment) == 0 for variables in self.variables)) # These are for constraint propagation def support_pruning(self): """Make sure we can prune values from domains. (We want to pay for this only if we use it.)""" if self.curr_domains is None: self.curr_domains = {v: list(self.domains[v]) for v in self.variables} def suppose(self, var, value): """Start accumulating inferences from assuming var=value.""" self.support_pruning() removals = [(var, a) for a in self.curr_domains[var] if a != value] self.curr_domains[var] = [value] return removals def prune(self, var, value, removals): """Rule out var=value.""" self.curr_domains[var].remove(value) if removals is not None: removals.append((var, value)) def choices(self, var): """Return all values for var that aren't currently ruled out.""" return (self.curr_domains or self.domains)[var] def infer_assignment(self): """Return the partial assignment implied by the current inferences.""" self.support_pruning() return {v: self.curr_domains[v][0] for v in self.variables if 1 == len(self.curr_domains[v])} def restore(self, removals): """Undo a supposition and all inferences from it.""" for B, b in removals: self.curr_domains[B].append(b) # This is for min_conflicts search def conflicted_vars(self, current): """Return a list of variables in current assignment that are in conflict""" return [var for var in self.variables if self.nconflicts(var, current[var], current) > 0] # ______________________________________________________________________________ # Constraint Propagation with AC-3 def AC3(csp, queue=None, removals=None): """[Figure 6.3]""" if queue is None: queue = {(Xi, Xk) for Xi in csp.variables for Xk in csp.neighbors[Xi]} csp.support_pruning() while queue: (Xi, Xj) = queue.pop() if revise(csp, Xi, Xj, removals): if not csp.curr_domains[Xi]: return False for Xk in csp.neighbors[Xi]: if Xk != Xj: queue.add((Xk, Xi)) return True def revise(csp, Xi, Xj, removals): """Return true if we remove a value.""" revised = False for x in csp.curr_domains[Xi][:]: # If Xi=x conflicts with Xj=y for every possible y, eliminate Xi=x if all(not csp.constraints(Xi, x, Xj, y) for y in csp.curr_domains[Xj]): csp.prune(Xi, x, removals) revised = True return revised # ______________________________________________________________________________ # CSP Backtracking Search # Variable ordering def first_unassigned_variable(assignment, csp): """The default variable order.""" return first([var for var in csp.variables if var not in assignment]) def mrv(assignment, csp): """Minimum-remaining-values heuristic.""" return argmin_random_tie( [v for v in csp.variables if v not in assignment], key=lambda var: num_legal_values(csp, var, assignment)) def num_legal_values(csp, var, assignment): if csp.curr_domains: return len(csp.curr_domains[var]) else: return count(csp.nconflicts(var, val, assignment) == 0 for val in csp.domains[var]) # Value ordering def unordered_domain_values(var, assignment, csp): """The default value order.""" return csp.choices(var) def lcv(var, assignment, csp): """Least-constraining-values heuristic.""" return sorted(csp.choices(var), key=lambda val: csp.nconflicts(var, val, assignment)) # Inference def no_inference(csp, var, value, assignment, removals): return True def forward_checking(csp, var, value, assignment, removals): """Prune neighbor values inconsistent with var=value.""" csp.support_pruning() for B in csp.neighbors[var]: if B not in assignment: for b in csp.curr_domains[B][:]: if not csp.constraints(var, value, B, b): csp.prune(B, b, removals) if not csp.curr_domains[B]: return False return True def mac(csp, var, value, assignment, removals): """Maintain arc consistency.""" return AC3(csp, {(X, var) for X in csp.neighbors[var]}, removals) # The search, proper def backtracking_search(csp, select_unassigned_variable=first_unassigned_variable, order_domain_values=unordered_domain_values, inference=no_inference): """[Figure 6.5]""" def backtrack(assignment): if len(assignment) == len(csp.variables): return assignment var = select_unassigned_variable(assignment, csp) for value in order_domain_values(var, assignment, csp): if 0 == csp.nconflicts(var, value, assignment): csp.assign(var, value, assignment) removals = csp.suppose(var, value) if inference(csp, var, value, assignment, removals): result = backtrack(assignment) if result is not None: return result csp.restore(removals) csp.unassign(var, assignment) return None result = backtrack({}) assert result is None or csp.goal_test(result) return result # ______________________________________________________________________________ # Min-conflicts hillclimbing search for CSPs def min_conflicts(csp, max_steps=100000): """Solve a CSP by stochastic hillclimbing on the number of conflicts.""" # Generate a complete assignment for all variables (probably with conflicts) csp.current = current = {} for var in csp.variables: val = min_conflicts_value(csp, var, current) csp.assign(var, val, current) # Now repeatedly choose a random conflicted variable and change it for i in range(max_steps): conflicted = csp.conflicted_vars(current) if not conflicted: return current var = random.choice(conflicted) val = min_conflicts_value(csp, var, current) csp.assign(var, val, current) return None def min_conflicts_value(csp, var, current): """Return the value that will give var the least number of conflicts. If there is a tie, choose at random.""" return argmin_random_tie(csp.domains[var], key=lambda val: csp.nconflicts(var, val, current)) # ______________________________________________________________________________ def tree_csp_solver(csp): """[Figure 6.11]""" assignment = {} root = csp.variables[0] X, parent = topological_sort(csp, root) csp.support_pruning() for Xj in reversed(X[1:]): if not make_arc_consistent(parent[Xj], Xj, csp): return None assignment[root] = csp.curr_domains[root][0] for Xi in X[1:]: assignment[Xi] = assign_value(parent[Xi], Xi, csp, assignment) if not assignment[Xi]: return None return assignment def topological_sort(X, root): """Returns the topological sort of X starting from the root. Input: X is a list with the nodes of the graph N is the dictionary with the neighbors of each node root denotes the root of the graph. Output: stack is a list with the nodes topologically sorted parents is a dictionary pointing to each node's parent Other: visited shows the state (visited - not visited) of nodes """ neighbors = X.neighbors visited = defaultdict(lambda: False) stack = [] parents = {} build_topological(root, None, neighbors, visited, stack, parents) return stack, parents def build_topological(node, parent, neighbors, visited, stack, parents): """Build the topological sort and the parents of each node in the graph.""" visited[node] = True for n in neighbors[node]: if not visited[n]: build_topological(n, node, neighbors, visited, stack, parents) parents[node] = parent stack.insert(0, node) def make_arc_consistent(Xj, Xk, csp): """Make arc between parent (Xj) and child (Xk) consistent under the csp's constraints, by removing the possible values of Xj that cause inconsistencies.""" # csp.curr_domains[Xj] = [] for val1 in csp.domains[Xj]: keep = False # Keep or remove val1 for val2 in csp.domains[Xk]: if csp.constraints(Xj, val1, Xk, val2): # Found a consistent assignment for val1, keep it keep = True break if not keep: # Remove val1 csp.prune(Xj, val1, None) return csp.curr_domains[Xj] def assign_value(Xj, Xk, csp, assignment): """Assign a value to Xk given Xj's (Xk's parent) assignment. Return the first value that satisfies the constraints.""" parent_assignment = assignment[Xj] for val in csp.curr_domains[Xk]: if csp.constraints(Xj, parent_assignment, Xk, val): return val # No consistent assignment available return None # ______________________________________________________________________________ # Map Coloring Problems class UniversalDict: """A universal dict maps any key to the same value. We use it here as the domains dict for CSPs in which all variables have the same domain. >>> d = UniversalDict(42) >>> d['life'] 42 """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.value def __repr__(self): return '{{Any: {0!r}}}'.format(self.value) def different_values_constraint(A, a, B, b): """A constraint saying two neighboring variables must differ in value.""" return a != b def MapColoringCSP(colors, neighbors): """Make a CSP for the problem of coloring a map with different colors for any two adjacent regions. Arguments are a list of colors, and a dict of {region: [neighbor,...]} entries. This dict may also be specified as a string of the form defined by parse_neighbors.""" if isinstance(neighbors, str): neighbors = parse_neighbors(neighbors) return CSP(list(neighbors.keys()), UniversalDict(colors), neighbors, different_values_constraint) def parse_neighbors(neighbors, variables=None): """Convert a string of the form 'X: Y Z; Y: Z' into a dict mapping regions to neighbors. The syntax is a region name followed by a ':' followed by zero or more region names, followed by ';', repeated for each region name. If you say 'X: Y' you don't need 'Y: X'. >>> parse_neighbors('X: Y Z; Y: Z') == {'Y': ['X', 'Z'], 'X': ['Y', 'Z'], 'Z': ['X', 'Y']} True """ dic = defaultdict(list) specs = [spec.split(':') for spec in neighbors.split(';')] for (A, Aneighbors) in specs: A = A.strip() for B in Aneighbors.split(): dic[A].append(B) dic[B].append(A) return dic australia_csp = MapColoringCSP(list('RGB'), """SA: WA NT Q NSW V; NT: WA Q; NSW: Q V; T: """) usa_csp = MapColoringCSP(list('RGBY'), """WA: OR ID; OR: ID NV CA; CA: NV AZ; NV: ID UT AZ; ID: MT WY UT; UT: WY CO AZ; MT: ND SD WY; WY: SD NE CO; CO: NE KA OK NM; NM: OK TX AZ; ND: MN SD; SD: MN IA NE; NE: IA MO KA; KA: MO OK; OK: MO AR TX; TX: AR LA; MN: WI IA; IA: WI IL MO; MO: IL KY TN AR; AR: MS TN LA; LA: MS; WI: MI IL; IL: IN KY; IN: OH KY; MS: TN AL; AL: TN GA FL; MI: OH IN; OH: PA WV KY; KY: WV VA TN; TN: VA NC GA; GA: NC SC FL; PA: NY NJ DE MD WV; WV: MD VA; VA: MD DC NC; NC: SC; NY: VT MA CT NJ; NJ: DE; DE: MD; MD: DC; VT: NH MA; MA: NH RI CT; CT: RI; ME: NH; HI: ; AK: """) france_csp = MapColoringCSP(list('RGBY'), """AL: LO FC; AQ: MP LI PC; AU: LI CE BO RA LR MP; BO: CE IF CA FC RA AU; BR: NB PL; CA: IF PI LO FC BO; CE: PL NB NH IF BO AU LI PC; FC: BO CA LO AL RA; IF: NH PI CA BO CE; LI: PC CE AU MP AQ; LO: CA AL FC; LR: MP AU RA PA; MP: AQ LI AU LR; NB: NH CE PL BR; NH: PI IF CE NB; NO: PI; PA: LR RA; PC: PL CE LI AQ; PI: NH NO CA IF; PL: BR NB CE PC; RA: AU BO FC PA LR""") # ______________________________________________________________________________ # n-Queens Problem def queen_constraint(A, a, B, b): """Constraint is satisfied (true) if A, B are really the same variable, or if they are not in the same row, down diagonal, or up diagonal.""" return A == B or (a != b and A + a != B + b and A - a != B - b) class NQueensCSP(CSP): """Make a CSP for the nQueens problem for search with min_conflicts. Suitable for large n, it uses only data structures of size O(n). Think of placing queens one per column, from left to right. That means position (x, y) represents (var, val) in the CSP. The main structures are three arrays to count queens that could conflict: rows[i] Number of queens in the ith row (i.e val == i) downs[i] Number of queens in the \ diagonal such that their (x, y) coordinates sum to i ups[i] Number of queens in the / diagonal such that their (x, y) coordinates have x-y+n-1 = i We increment/decrement these counts each time a queen is placed/moved from a row/diagonal. So moving is O(1), as is nconflicts. But choosing a variable, and a best value for the variable, are each O(n). If you want, you can keep track of conflicted variables, then variable selection will also be O(1). >>> len(backtracking_search(NQueensCSP(8))) 8 """ def __init__(self, n): """Initialize data structures for n Queens.""" CSP.__init__(self, list(range(n)), UniversalDict(list(range(n))), UniversalDict(list(range(n))), queen_constraint) self.rows = [0] * n self.ups = [0] * (2 * n - 1) self.downs = [0] * (2 * n - 1) def nconflicts(self, var, val, assignment): """The number of conflicts, as recorded with each assignment. Count conflicts in row and in up, down diagonals. If there is a queen there, it can't conflict with itself, so subtract 3.""" n = len(self.variables) c = self.rows[val] + self.downs[var + val] + self.ups[var - val + n - 1] if assignment.get(var, None) == val: c -= 3 return c def assign(self, var, val, assignment): """Assign var, and keep track of conflicts.""" oldval = assignment.get(var, None) if val != oldval: if oldval is not None: # Remove old val if there was one self.record_conflict(assignment, var, oldval, -1) self.record_conflict(assignment, var, val, +1) CSP.assign(self, var, val, assignment) def unassign(self, var, assignment): """Remove var from assignment (if it is there) and track conflicts.""" if var in assignment: self.record_conflict(assignment, var, assignment[var], -1) CSP.unassign(self, var, assignment) def record_conflict(self, assignment, var, val, delta): """Record conflicts caused by addition or deletion of a Queen.""" n = len(self.variables) self.rows[val] += delta self.downs[var + val] += delta self.ups[var - val + n - 1] += delta def display(self, assignment): """Print the queens and the nconflicts values (for debugging).""" n = len(self.variables) for val in range(n): for var in range(n): if assignment.get(var, '') == val: ch = 'Q' elif (var + val) % 2 == 0: ch = '.' else: ch = '-' print(ch, end=' ') print(' ', end=' ') for var in range(n): if assignment.get(var, '') == val: ch = '*' else: ch = ' ' print(str(self.nconflicts(var, val, assignment)) + ch, end=' ') print() # ______________________________________________________________________________ # Sudoku def flatten(seqs): return sum(seqs, []) easy1 = '..3.2.6..9..3.5..1..18.64....81.29..7.......8..67.82....26.95..8..2.3..9..5.1.3..' harder1 = '4173698.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1.......' _R3 = list(range(3)) _CELL = itertools.count().__next__ _BGRID = [[[[_CELL() for x in _R3] for y in _R3] for bx in _R3] for by in _R3] _BOXES = flatten([list(map(flatten, brow)) for brow in _BGRID]) _ROWS = flatten([list(map(flatten, zip(*brow))) for brow in _BGRID]) _COLS = list(zip(*_ROWS)) _NEIGHBORS = {v: set() for v in flatten(_ROWS)} for unit in map(set, _BOXES + _ROWS + _COLS): for v in unit: _NEIGHBORS[v].update(unit - {v}) class Sudoku(CSP): """A Sudoku problem. The box grid is a 3x3 array of boxes, each a 3x3 array of cells. Each cell holds a digit in 1..9. In each box, all digits are different; the same for each row and column as a 9x9 grid. >>> e = Sudoku(easy1) >>> e.display(e.infer_assignment()) . . 3 | . 2 . | 6 . . 9 . . | 3 . 5 | . . 1 . . 1 | 8 . 6 | 4 . . ------+-------+------ . . 8 | 1 . 2 | 9 . . 7 . . | . . . | . . 8 . . 6 | 7 . 8 | 2 . . ------+-------+------ . . 2 | 6 . 9 | 5 . . 8 . . | 2 . 3 | . . 9 . . 5 | . 1 . | 3 . . >>> AC3(e); e.display(e.infer_assignment()) True 4 8 3 | 9 2 1 | 6 5 7 9 6 7 | 3 4 5 | 8 2 1 2 5 1 | 8 7 6 | 4 9 3 ------+-------+------ 5 4 8 | 1 3 2 | 9 7 6 7 2 9 | 5 6 4 | 1 3 8 1 3 6 | 7 9 8 | 2 4 5 ------+-------+------ 3 7 2 | 6 8 9 | 5 1 4 8 1 4 | 2 5 3 | 7 6 9 6 9 5 | 4 1 7 | 3 8 2 >>> h = Sudoku(harder1) >>> backtracking_search(h, select_unassigned_variable=mrv, inference=forward_checking) is not None True """ # noqa R3 = _R3 Cell = _CELL bgrid = _BGRID boxes = _BOXES rows = _ROWS cols = _COLS neighbors = _NEIGHBORS def __init__(self, grid): """Build a Sudoku problem from a string representing the grid: the digits 1-9 denote a filled cell, '.' or '0' an empty one; other characters are ignored.""" squares = iter(re.findall(r'\d|\.', grid)) domains = {var: [ch] if ch in '123456789' else '123456789' for var, ch in zip(flatten(self.rows), squares)} for _ in squares: raise ValueError("Not a Sudoku grid", grid) # Too many squares CSP.__init__(self, None, domains, self.neighbors, different_values_constraint) def display(self, assignment): def show_box(box): return [' '.join(map(show_cell, row)) for row in box] def show_cell(cell): return str(assignment.get(cell, '.')) def abut(lines1, lines2): return list( map(' | '.join, list(zip(lines1, lines2)))) print('\n------+-------+------\n'.join( '\n'.join(reduce( abut, map(show_box, brow))) for brow in self.bgrid)) # ______________________________________________________________________________ # The Zebra Puzzle def Zebra(): """Return an instance of the Zebra Puzzle.""" Colors = 'Red Yellow Blue Green Ivory'.split() Pets = 'Dog Fox Snails Horse Zebra'.split() Drinks = 'OJ Tea Coffee Milk Water'.split() Countries = 'Englishman Spaniard Norwegian Ukranian Japanese'.split() Smokes = 'Kools Chesterfields Winston LuckyStrike Parliaments'.split() variables = Colors + Pets + Drinks + Countries + Smokes domains = {} for var in variables: domains[var] = list(range(1, 6)) domains['Norwegian'] = [1] domains['Milk'] = [3] neighbors = parse_neighbors("""Englishman: Red; Spaniard: Dog; Kools: Yellow; Chesterfields: Fox; Norwegian: Blue; Winston: Snails; LuckyStrike: OJ; Ukranian: Tea; Japanese: Parliaments; Kools: Horse; Coffee: Green; Green: Ivory""", variables) for type in [Colors, Pets, Drinks, Countries, Smokes]: for A in type: for B in type: if A != B: if B not in neighbors[A]: neighbors[A].append(B) if A not in neighbors[B]: neighbors[B].append(A) def zebra_constraint(A, a, B, b, recurse=0): same = (a == b) next_to = abs(a - b) == 1 if A == 'Englishman' and B == 'Red': return same if A == 'Spaniard' and B == 'Dog': return same if A == 'Chesterfields' and B == 'Fox': return next_to if A == 'Norwegian' and B == 'Blue': return next_to if A == 'Kools' and B == 'Yellow': return same if A == 'Winston' and B == 'Snails': return same if A == 'LuckyStrike' and B == 'OJ': return same if A == 'Ukranian' and B == 'Tea': return same if A == 'Japanese' and B == 'Parliaments': return same if A == 'Kools' and B == 'Horse': return next_to if A == 'Coffee' and B == 'Green': return same if A == 'Green' and B == 'Ivory': return a - 1 == b if recurse == 0: return zebra_constraint(B, b, A, a, 1) if ((A in Colors and B in Colors) or (A in Pets and B in Pets) or (A in Drinks and B in Drinks) or (A in Countries and B in Countries) or (A in Smokes and B in Smokes)): return not same raise Exception('error') return CSP(variables, domains, neighbors, zebra_constraint) def solve_zebra(algorithm=min_conflicts, **args): z = Zebra() ans = algorithm(z, **args) for h in range(1, 6): print('House', h, end=' ') for (var, val) in ans.items(): if val == h: print(var, end=' ') print() return ans['Zebra'], ans['Water'], z.nassigns, ans