Problem : Compute the minimax value of each node in the tree below. Squares represent max nodes and circles represent min nodes.

Minimax tree

Problem : Show the operation of alpha-beta pruning on the tree shown below. Show the (alpha, beta) windows passed to each node as the tree is traversed, the values returned from each node, and which branches are pruned.

Alpha-beta tree

Problem : Show the operation of Scout on he tree from the previous problem. Show the (alpha, beta) windows passed to each node as the tree is traversed, the values returned from each node, and which branches are pruned.

Problem : Show what would be stored in the transposition table after using alpha-beta pruning on the tree above. Assume that the transposition table is initially empty and there are no collisions.

Problem : Condsider the multi-armed bandit problem with 3 arms with payoffs determined by the outcomes of rolling a fair 6-, 8-, or 10-sided die. Show that the greedy strategy does not achieve zero average regret for this setup.

Problem : Describe modifcations that would be necessary to standard MCTS for 2-player Yahtzee.

Problem : Pick an two enhancements to standard MCTS and describe how they might be applied to NFL Strategy, Kalah, or Yahtzee.