Assignment 5 - Q-Learning for NFL Strategy



NFL Strategy is a football (North American gridiron football) simulation game from the 1970s. The player on offense chooses one of 34 plays; the player on defense simultaneously chooses one of 12 defensive plays. The outcome of the play is determined by the combination of plays selected and an element of chance.

We seek strategies for a simulation of a situation in which the team currently on offense (the Patriots) must score a touchdown to win the game against the team currently on defense (the Rams): there are 2 minutes (120 seconds) remaining in the game and the Patriots must gain 80 yards in order to score a touchdown and win the game. We make the simplifying assumptions that neither teams has any time-outs left, that any turnover, safety, or field goal leads to a win for the Rams (we assume the Patriots will not get the ball back after such situations), that a touchdown wins the game for the Patriots no matter how much time is remaining (the Rams will not be able to regain the lead against the Patriots defense), and that there will be no penalties. An offense in such a situation is said to be executing a "two-minute drill". To simulate the quick decision making that happens during such a hurry-up situation, we limit the offense and defense to a few plays each.


Write a function called q_learn in a module called qfl that takes an object that models the Two-Minute Drill version of NFL strategy and a time limit in seconds and returns a function that takes a non-terminal position in the game and returns the index of the selected offensive play. The function that it returns should execute in less than 10 microseconds for any position. Because there are too many positions to compute a Q-value for each individually within the time bound, you should use a function approximator such as a linear approximator.

Your q_learn function can observe outcomes from a particular position given a choice of action (offensive play) by calling the result method on the model object passed to q_learn module. The result method takes a position and action and returns a pair whose first component is the resulting position. Positions are given as 4-tuples with components for the remaining yards needed to score, the downs left, the yards needed to reset the number of downs left, and the time remaining in 5-second ticks. The second component of the pair returned from result is a triple specifying the number of yards gained by that action, the time elapsed after that action (in 5-second ticks), and a Boolean flag indicating whether the action resulted in a turnover (in which case the game is over and the offense loses). That second component can be useful if you want to shape rewards.

The model object will also have some additional methods to allow you to simulate games. You may only access methods whose names do not begin with underscores. These methods are:

So for the standard Q-learning algorithm

the initial_position method returns $s_0$, the offensive_playbook_size methods determines what actions are available to choose as $a$, the result method returns $s'$ given $s$ and $a$, and the game_over and win methods allow you to determine $r$.


The test driver test_qfl in /c/cs474/hw5/Required defines two models that choose defensive plays uniformly randomly. Your q_learn function will be tested on other models as well.

You will be graded on how well the policy returned by q_learn performs. Better policies will receive better grades, and the more consistently your Q-learning process can return good policies, the better your grade will be. You should be able to achieve a better winning percentage better than the best policy that always chooses the same play (about 0.38 for model 0 [always choosing play 2] and 0.285 for model 1 [always choosing play 2]) or always chooses randomly (0.275 and 0.105 for models 0 and 1 respectively). For comparison, an offensive player optimized against a random defensive player scores about 0.53 for model 0 and 0.48 for model 1.

Additional Requirements


[jrg94@cricket code]$ pypy3 0 9 250000
[jrg94@cricket code]$ pypy3 1 9 250000


Submit just your module along with any other supporting modules and your log. There is no need to submit a makefile or executable; the test scripts create an executable called QFL that is used to run the test drivers.