
> > > > Programming Assignments > Assignment 1 - Computing Grundy Numbers



Consider the following variation of Kayles: instead of allowing a move to remove one or two adjacent pins, a move must always remove two adjacent pins, except that a single pin with no adjacent pins may be removed, and a pair of adjacent pins with no pins immediately adjacent on either side of the pair may not be removed. The winner is determined by normal play rules: the first player who cannot move (because there are no pins remaining or only isolated pairs of pins) loses.

We call this variation of Kayles Kayles.16. It is a finite, impartial, normal combinatorial game and so can be analyzed using the Sprague-Grundy Theorem.


Write a program that runs in two modes: in the first mode, the first command-line argument will be the word "grundy" and the second will be the decimal representation of a non-negative integer $n$ and the output should be a single line giving the Grundy numbers for a game of Kayles.16 that starts with 0 pins, 1 pin, ..., $n$ pins as a comma-separated list enclosed in square brackets the a single space after each comma; in the second mode there will be a single command-line argument that is a string (possibly empty) of '.' and 'x' characters representing a position in Kayles.16 (the '.' are removed pins and the 'x' are the remaining pins). The output should be a single line giving the result of a winning move if there is one, or "LOSS" if there is no winning move. If there is more than one winning move, select the winning move to output that reduces a group's Grundy number and takes pins from as far left as possible.

Your makefile must create a script called Kayles.16 that runs your program when make is run with Kayles.16 as the target.


$ ./Kayles.16 grundy 6
[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2]
$ ./Kayles.16 ..xx.
$ ./Kayles.16 ..xxx.xxx.
$ ./Kayles.16 xxx.xxx.x
$ ./Kayles.16 xxxxxxxxxx

The Online Encylopedia of Integer Sequences gives correct Grundy numbers up to $n=102$ (omitting $n=0$) and has a link to a list of many more in entry A071430.

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