
> > > > Programming Assignments > Assignment 4 - Search



See the Wikipedia article on Kalah.


Create a Python 3 module called search (so this must be in a file called search.py that implements two functions depth_limited_search_strategy and depth_unlimited_search_strategy. Both of these functions take a search depth and heuristic function and return a function that takes a position and returns the move suggested by a search to that depth with the given heuristic function. See the minimax_strategy function in the minimax module for an example of such a function.

For depth_limited_search_strategy, repeated moves by the same player count as separate moves for the purposes of determining depth. That function will be evaluated based on whether it returns the same move as minimax (with ties broken in favor of moves that appear earlier in the list of legal moves). Tests will be done on inputs for which no position appears at different depths in multiple places in the search tree, so it is possible to implement this function using a transposition table and then use that same implementation for depth_unlimited_search_strategy.

The depth_unlimited_search_strategy function will be evaluated based on both how often it wins against minimax and how many fewer heuristic evaluations it applies compared to minimax. The depth parameter to this function merely determines the depth of the minimax search it is compared to and need not be a strict limit on the depth of the search it implements. The tests for this function have a random element so there is a low but non-zero probablity that a test with few games will incorrectly return "FAIL"; final grading will be done with more games to reduce the variance.

The positions passed to the search functions will be instances of Kalah.Position from the kalah module. Python does not have a mechanism to prevent access to members, but your search will not be graded if it accesses members whose names begin with an underscore (the Python convention for indicating members not intended for use by client code). The functions you are allowed to use are

You can see the minimax function in the minimax module for examples of using these functions and read their documentation in the kalah module.

You have freedom in chosing your search method, but alpha-beta pruning with a transposition table that is kept between games will perform as well as minimax and will search call the heuristic function about 1/6 as often over the course of 100 games when 10% of moves are random and that will be used as a benchmark for success.

You may optionally create a new heuristic function that will be tested independently from your search functions. To do so, create a function called heuristic in your search module that takes a Position as its argument and returns an estimate of the value of that position. Your new heuristic function may use the "private" members of the Kalah.Position class using their names as given in the kalah.py module.


In /c/cs474/hw4 are three Python 3 modules:


  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -move 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0
  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -move 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 5 5 5 4 4 4 0
  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -move 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 5 0 6 5 5 5 1
  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -move 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 17 0 2 8 0 1 0 9
  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -move 4 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 18 1 3 9 1 2 1 9
  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -game 100 4 0.1 0.4 0.4
  [jrg94@chameleon Kalah]$ python3 test_kalah.py -game 100 4 0.1 0.4 0.2


Submit just your search.py module along with any other supporting modules and your log. There is no need to submit a makefile or executable; the test scripts create an executable called Kalah that is used to run the test drivers.
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