
> > > > Programming Assignments > Assignment 3 - NFL Strategy Two-Minute Drill



NFL Strategy is a football (North American gridiron football) simulation game from the 1970s. The player on offense chooses one of 34 plays; the player on defense simultaneously chooses one of 12 defensive plays. The outcome of the play is determined by the combination of plays selected and an element of chance.

We seek equilibrium strategies for a simulation of a situation in which the team currently on offense (the Patriots) must score a touchdown to win the game against the team currently on defense (the Eagles): there are 2 minutes (120 seconds) remaining in the game and the Patriots must gain 80 yards in order to score a touchdown and win the game. We make the simplifying assumptions that neither teams has any time-outs left, that any turnover, safety, or field goal leads to a win for the Eagles (we assume the Patriots will not get the ball back after such situations), that a touchdown wins the game for the Patriots no matter how much time is remaining (the Eagles will not be able to regain the lead against the Patriots defense), and that there will be no penalties. (An offense in such a situation is said to be executing a "two-minute drill".)

To simulate the quick decision making that happens during such a hurry-up situation, we limit the offense and defense to three plays each: a run, short pass, and long pass for the offense, and a run, balanced, and long pass defense for the defense.


Write a program called "TwoMinute" that determines the equilibrium strategies for any position in the two-minute drill. The position will be given as four integer command-line arguments: 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the current down, a positive integer for the yards required for a first down, an integer between 1 and 99 for the yards required to score a touchdown, and a multiple of 5 between 5 and 120 for the time remaining in the game, in seconds. The yards for first down will never be more than the yards to score.

The outcomes of all combinations of the three plays are given in the module plays.py. That module defines a 2-D array (list of lists) called plays where plays[i][j] gives the possible outcomes for offensive play i when run against defensive play j. The possible outcomes are given as a list of five triples, where each triple gives the number of yards gained (which may be negative), the elapsed time, given in five-second intervals (so 2 for 10 seconds), and whether the play resulted in a turnover (thus winning the game for the defense). The probability of each of the five possible outcomes is given in the list prob, where prob[k] gives the probability of outcome plays[i][j][k] occurring when play i is run against play j.

We view each play as a simultaneous constant-sum game in which the offensive player seeks to maximize their chance of winning and the defensive player wants to minimize that chance. Each entry in the payoff matrix is constructed by taking the average, weighted by probability, of the values (chance of the offense winning) of the positions that can result from the corresponding combination of plays. Since the payoff matrix for any position depends on the payoff matrix for positions closer to the end of the game, we can solve this game with backward induction (dynamic programming).

To help reduce the computations required, we provide a file containing the values for each position in the two-minute drill in the CSV file two_minute.csv in /c/cs474/hw3 on the Zoo. Each line in the CSV file gives a position as the number of yards needed to score, the downs left (counting down, with 4 being the start of a set of downs; this is not the same as the input argument, which gives the down using the traditional football terminology, where 1st down is the start of a set of downs), the yards needed for a new set of downs, the time remaining in 5-second increments (so 24 for two minutes), and the probability that the player on offense wins from that position if both players follow equilibrium strategies. This data is also given as a pickled Python 3 dictionary in two_minute.pickle; the keys in that dictionary are tuples made from the first four values in the CSV file and the value is the value in the CSV file. These files are large, so you should create symbolic links to them. You may assume that those links have been created in the directory from which your submissions will be run.

The output of your program should be three lines: the equilibrium mixed strategy for the offensive player, given as a comma-separated list of probabilities given to six decimal places and enclosed in square brackets, the equilibrium mixed strategy for the defense in the same format as for the offense, and the value (probability of the offense winning) of the input position to six decimal places.

Use the following rules for special cases of play outcomes:

The input position may not be reachable from the starting position described above. For example, with the given plays and resulting outcomes, it is impossible to gain 79 yards in five seconds to end up with 1st-and-goal from the 1 yard line with 1:55 remaining in the game. Treat such positions like any reachable position.

You can optionally include support for payoff matrix output to aid debugging. When the test scripts pass -matrix as the first command-line argument, then the output is expected to be the payoff matrix for the game position given after -matrix. The output should be given in the format shown in the example below.


[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute -matrix 1 10 80 120
[0.348756, 0.327767, 0.361143]
[0.283918, 0.329217, 0.395910]
[0.430980, 0.356945, 0.340160]
[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute 1 10 80 120
[0.000000, 0.201071, 0.798929]
[0.000000, 0.667845, 0.332155]
[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute 3 1 71 90
[0.276881, 0.000000, 0.723119]
[0.000000, 0.729935, 0.270065]
[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute 4 1 71 85
[0.810775, 0.000000, 0.189225]
[0.940228, 0.059772, 0.000000]
[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute 1 10 20 30
[0.000000, 0.158501, 0.841499]
[0.000000, 0.703189, 0.296811]
[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute 3 1 1 10
[0.393939, 0.000000, 0.606061]
[0.848485, 0.000000, 0.151515]
[jrg94@rattlesnake TwoMinute]$ ./TwoMinute 4 1 1 5
[1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]
[1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000]

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