CPSC 637 Schedule and Readings

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Traditional Database Architecture
Date TopicNotes
01/15 Introduction
01/17 Database Internals Read Sections 1-4 (you can skip 4.6; we will look at this later)
01/22 Transaction Processing
01/24 System R Requires a Yale IP for access. Read up to page 122 (i.e. up to the section entitled "transaction management").
01/29 Database Internals Read Sections 5-8
Distributed and Parallel Databases
Date TopicNotes
01/31 System R*
02/05 Parallel Databases Requires a Yale IP for access. Once you get to the section on "State of the Art", you can scan quickly through the rest of the paper.
02/07 Replication Requires a Yale IP for access.
02/12 TinyDB Focus on Sections 1-4 (through page 23), but the whole paper is worth reading.
Main Memory Databases
Date TopicNotes
02/14 Dali Requires a Yale IP for access. Focus on Section 1, Section 4.1-4.7, and Section 7.3.1.
02/19 Main Memory Indexes Requires a Yale IP for access.
02/21 H-Store
02/26Mid-term Exam
Analytical Databases and Data Warehouses
Date TopicNotes
02/28 Overview Requires a Yale IP for access.
03/04 Data Cubes Requires a Yale IP for access.
03/06 C-Store You can avoid reading Sections 8 and 9. If you are interested, they can be replaced by my PhD thesis, in particular Chapters 2, 3, and 7. Other follow-on papers to this original can be found here, here, here, here, and here.
03/25 X100
Stream Databases
Date TopicNotes
03/27 Aurora Requires a Yale IP for access.
04/01 SEQ
04/03 XStream Requires a Yale IP for access.
Web Data Management
Date TopicNotes
04/08 Search Engines
04/10 Bigtable
04/15 MapReduce
04/17 Semantic Web
Final Project Presentations
04/22 First half of presentations
04/24 Second half of presentations