TF/ULA CPSC 202 Math Tools for CS Hiring!

Jul 11, 2023 • d.mckay

Do you love Discrete Math? Do you love helping students learn awesome things about Discrete Math? Perhaps you should join the course staff for CPSC 202 this Fall!

If you are interested in a ULA or TF position, please apply by filling out this ]Google form](

TFs and ULAs will spend their time helping the students (we will have office hours, Ed Discussion, and small group tutoring or discussion sessions depending on our resources) as well as grading, exam proctoring, attending weekly meetings, and potentially other miscellaneous tasks.

Alternatively, anyone applying may instead choose to be a dedicated grader. This means you would only participate in grading a weekly staff meetings. This option is often selected by students who want more flexible work hours, but whichever reasons you may have, I love having graders on my staff!

If you have any questions, or if you would just like to reach out and let me know you’ve applied, feel free to email me (d.mckay)!