CS 200 - Fall 2023. 11/29/2023.


Welcome to CS 200!

Video of the day

How Quantum Computers Break Encryption | Shor's Algorithm Explained submitted by Xavier Guaracha.
While on YouTube, I found this video and thought it would be a cool inclusion as a video of the day. Its title is “How Quantum Computers Break Encryption”.

The beginning of the video does an excellent job in surmising the importance of prime factorization in cryptography, since lots of algorithms rely on hiding private keys within the prime factorizations of very large numbers. By the 3-minute mark, it becomes evident how the current reliance on prime factorization isn't entirely effective against high-performance quantum computers.

Past the 3:20 mark the video becomes very math/proof heavy, but is nonetheless fascinating. In any case, the animation was really helpful in conveying the fundamental structure of cryptography and the issues presented by quantum computing.

I hereby solicit suggestions for the video of the day. Please email me your ideas with explanations. Selected entries will win 5 homework points. If your video is played at the beginning of class, you must also briefly explain something about the video and something about yourself - in person.

Logical Problem of the day

What is the next number in the following sequence: 1, 11, 21, 1211? (Hint: read the numbers out loud as digits.)

https://pollev.com/slade You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.

Lecture 23: Crypto.


  • I have Office hours via zoom, meeting ID 459 434 2854. Wednesday 4-6pm.

  • ULA office hours posted on csofficehours.org. See the posting on Ed Discussions for more information.

  • Data Buddies survey.
    The annual nationwide survey of CS departments (a.k.a. “Data Buddies”) is now live: https://cerp.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9vFybdrfLKUkVcq/?id=yale_cs

    This survey measures retention and persistence among CS students, including undergraduate majors, non-majors, and graduate students. It is the main tool that the department will be using to both gauge our diversity efforts, and compare against peer CS departments.

    It is run externally by the Computing Research Association, which only provides aggregate data. At no point will we have access to individual answers or identities.

    We will be using the survey results to set and prioritize future department initiatives, so this is a great chance to have your voice heard. Please fill it out!

  • Homework assignments: [Assignments]. hw7 is available. You will submit with gradescope.

    Final Exam

    Sunday December 17th, 7pm. ML 211.

    Here is a practice final exam and practice final solutions. There will be no questions on R or idem potence.

    Here are the important concepts from Stamp:

    Plus concepts from hw7 including xor, base64, shell scripts.

    Shell scripts: I might ask you to write a shell script. You should know the for loop.

    If your grade on the final exam is higher than your lower midterm grade, it will replace that grade. The quality of mercy is not strained.

  • SAS students:
    Please remind your students to sign up to reserve a space with us through their SAS Accommodate portal.


    The following topics were part of this course: Alas, we did not get to machine learning. See scikit learn aka, sklearn. Python module for machine learning. Machine learning jupyter notebook


    Cryptography notebook codebook additives.

    See hw7hints.py You may need to install the module: wordsegment.

    pip install wordsegment
  • CTO for Metropolitan Opera
  • Why not work for the NSA?, Good Will Hunting.

    Getting to know UNIX

    UNIX Introduction Principle 5: shell scripts.