The Zoo Computing Laboratory
Yale University Computer Science Department
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Main.DSAC History

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October 30, 2009, at 08:25 PM by
Changed line 7 from:
September 14, 2009, at 11:52 PM by
Changed line 9 from:
* [[mailto:harley.trung]] Harley Trung TC '10
* [[ Harley Trung]] TC '10
Changed line 11 from:
* [[ Michelle Vu]] ES '10
* [[ Michelle Vu]] ES '10
August 11, 2009, at 05:37 PM by
Changed line 6 from:
This is is DSAC:
This is DSAC:
Changed line 9 from:
* [[ Justin Kosslyn]] ES '09
* [[mailto:harley.trung]] Harley Trung TC '10
Changed line 11 from:
* [[ Scott Snyder]] JE '10
* [[ JAlex Johnson]] BR '09
* [[ Michelle Vu]] ES '10
September 03, 2008, at 05:48 PM by Christian
Changed line 3 from:
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are each year either elected by popular vote or chosen through absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy--it's all the same, really.
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of six, although in general five undergraduate CS people who are each year either elected by popular vote or chosen through absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy--it's all the same, really.
Changed line 13 from:
* [[ Justin Kosslyn]] SM '09
* [[ Christian Csar]] SM '10
September 03, 2008, at 05:23 PM by scott
Changed lines 7-13 from:
* [[ Lance Cai]] ?? '08
* [[ Laura Gehring]] PC '08
* [[ Justin Kosslyn]] ?? '09
* [[ Tim McDermott]] SM '08
* [[ Sam Oates]] ?? '08
* [[ Andrew Smith]] JE '08
* [[ Ahmet Aktay]] BR '10
* [[ Justin Kosslyn]] ES '09
* [[ May Liu]] ES '10
* [[ Scott Snyder]] JE '10
* [[ JAlex Johnson]] BR '09
* [[ Justin Kosslyn]] SM '09
Deleted line 15:

Email us at [[]].
September 14, 2007, at 08:43 PM by
Changed lines 7-13 from:
* [[ Jo "I get searched at airports if I say my last name out loud" Balme]] TC '07
* [[ Josh Motelow]] TC '06
* [[ Jon Schwarz]] DC '06
* [[ Nick "Not James" Piepmeier]] ES '07
* [[ Jamie J. Yoo]] BR '06
* [[ Lance Cai]] ?? '08
* [[ Laura Gehring]] PC '08
* [[ Justin Kosslyn]] ?? '09
* [[ Tim McDermott]] SM '08
* [[ Sam Oates]] ?? '08
* [[ Andrew Smith]] JE '08
July 13, 2006, at 02:26 AM by
Changed line 8 from:
* [[ Jo Balme]] TC '07
* [[ Jo "I get searched at airports if I say my last name out loud" Balme]] TC '07
October 02, 2005, at 06:37 PM by Nick Piepmeier
Deleted line 14:
DSAC of Yore
* [[ Anthony Di Franco]] BR '05
* [[ Emmett Shear]] DC '05
* [[ Reuben Grinberg]] TC '05
* [[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
* [[ Jamie Yoo]] BR '05
October 02, 2005, at 06:32 PM by Nick Piepmeier
Changed lines 5-15 from:

This is is DSAC:
* [[ Jo Balme]] TC '07
* [[ Josh Motelow]] TC '06
* [[ Jon Schwarz]] DC '06
* [[ Nick "Not James" Piepmeier]] ES '07
* [[ Jamie J. Yoo]] BR '06

DSAC of Yore
Deleted line 21:
This is not DSAC. Oops. But my, they look good.
Deleted line 22:
This is is DSAC:
Changed line 24 from:
* [[ Jo Balme]] TC '07
* [[ Josh Motelow]] TC '06
* [[ Jon Schwarz]] DC '06
* [[ Nick "Not James" Piepmeier]] ES '07
* [[ Jamie J. Yoo]] BR '06
August 19, 2005, at 04:44 AM by shrine added
Changed line 3 from:
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are each year elected by popular vote or absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy--it's all the same, really.
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are each year either elected by popular vote or chosen through absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy--it's all the same, really.
August 07, 2005, at 04:21 AM by shrine added
Changed line 31 from:
Read about DSACs of myth and legend [[{{Shrine_of_Legends}} here]].
Read about DSACs of yore [[{{Shrine_of_Legends}} here]].
August 06, 2005, at 07:51 PM by shrine added
Changed line 16 from:
* [[ Jo Balme]] ES '07
* [[ Jo Balme]] TC '07
August 06, 2005, at 04:12 AM by shrine added
Changed line 31 from:
Read about DSACs of myth and legend [[{{Shrine_of_Legends}} here].
Read about DSACs of myth and legend [[{{Shrine_of_Legends}} here]].
August 06, 2005, at 04:10 AM by shrine added
Changed lines 29-31 from:
In addition to making sure that the machines in the Zoo are functioning properly and that you don't have any problems using the Zoo facility, we are also involved in the CS Department. Feel free to come to us with any concerns or questions that you might have as a CS major.
In addition to making sure that the machines in the Zoo are functioning properly and that you don't have any problems using the Zoo facility, we are also involved in the CS Department. Feel free to come to us with any concerns or questions that you might have as a CS major.

Read about DSACs of myth and legend [[{{Shrine_of_Legends}} here].
August 06, 2005, at 04:07 AM by sarcasm was missing added
Changed line 3 from:
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are elected by popular vote and/or absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy each year.
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are each year elected by popular vote or absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy--it's all the same, really.
August 06, 2005, at 03:54 AM by oops new dsac
Changed line 3 from:
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are elected by popular vote each year.
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are elected by popular vote and/or absolutist abridgement of the people's right to democracy each year.
Changed line 29 from:
In addition to making sure that the machines in the Zoo are functioning properly and that you don't have any problems using the Zoo facility, we are also involved in the CS Department. Feel free to come to us with any concerns or questions that you might have as a CS major.
In addition to making sure that the machines in the Zoo are functioning properly and that you don't have any problems using the Zoo facility, we are also involved in the CS Department. Feel free to come to us with any concerns or questions that you might have as a CS major.
August 06, 2005, at 03:49 AM by oops new dsac
Changed line 9 from:
* [[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
* [[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
Added lines 12-22:
This is not DSAC. Oops. But my, they look good.

This is is DSAC:

* [[ Jo Balme]] ES '07
* [[ Josh Motelow]] TC '06
* [[ Jon Schwarz]] DC '06
* [[ Nick "Not James" Piepmeier]] ES '07
* [[ Jamie J. Yoo]] BR '06

April 01, 2005, at 05:08 PM by
Changed line 9 from:
* [[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05 <james terry><james terry>
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<james terry>
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<james terry>
<james terry>
<james terry>
<james terry>
<james terry>
<james terry>
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<james terry>
<james terry>
* [[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
September 02, 2004, at 02:16 PM by
Changed line 3 from:
DSAC is the Computer Science '''D'''epartmental '''S'''tudent '''A'''dvisory '''C'''ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are elected by popular vote each year.
DSAC is the Computer Science <u>D</u>epartmental <u>S</u>tudent <u>A</u>dvisory <u>C</u>ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are elected by popular vote each year.
August 05, 2004, at 08:12 PM by
Added line 7:
* [[ Emmett Shear]] DC '05
Deleted line 8:
* [[ Emmett Shear]] DC '05
August 05, 2004, at 08:12 PM by
Added line 7:
* [[ Reuben Grinberg]] TC '05
Deleted line 8:
* [[ Reuben Grinberg]] TC '05
August 05, 2004, at 08:12 PM by
Added line 5:
August 05, 2004, at 08:06 PM by
Added lines 1-2:
August 04, 2004, at 11:49 PM by
Changed line 11 from:
Here is the official {{DSAC Charter}} and {{DSAC Photo Album}}.
Here is the official {{DSAC Charter}} and [[{{Photo Album}} DSAC Photo Album]].
August 04, 2004, at 11:48 PM by
Deleted line 2:
August 04, 2004, at 11:48 PM by
Added line 3:
Changed lines 5-9 from:

*[[ Anthony Di Franco]] BR '05
*[[ Emmett Shear]] DC '05
*[[ Reuben Grinberg]] TC '05
*[[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
*[[ Jamie Yoo]] BR '05
* [[ Anthony Di Franco]] BR '05
* [[ Emmett Shear]] DC '05
* [[ Reuben Grinberg]] TC '05
* [[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
* [[ Jamie Yoo]] BR '05
August 04, 2004, at 11:47 PM by
Added line 4:
August 04, 2004, at 11:47 PM by
Changed lines 3-8 from:
*Anthony Di Franco (BR '05)
*Reuben Grinberg (TC '05)
*Emmett Shear (DC '05)
*James Clifton Terry (SM '05)
*Jamie Yoo (BR '06)
*[[ Anthony Di Franco]] BR '05
*[[ Emmett Shear]] DC '05
*[[ Reuben Grinberg]] TC '05
*[[ James Clifton Terry]] SM '05
*[[ Jamie Yoo]] BR '05
August 04, 2004, at 10:19 PM by
Changed lines 1-15 from:
Describe {{DSAC}} here.
DSAC is the Computer Science '''D'''epartmental '''S'''tudent '''A'''dvisory '''C'''ommittee. DSAC consists of five undergraduate CS majors who are elected by popular vote each year.

*Anthony Di Franco (BR '05)
*Reuben Grinberg (TC '05)
*Emmett Shear (DC '05)
*James Clifton Terry (SM '05)
*Jamie Yoo (BR '06)

Email us at [[]].

Here is the official {{DSAC Charter}} and {{DSAC Photo Album}}.

Our primary task is to make sure the Zoo is a happy and functional place. To this end, we provide documentation and tips and techniques through our [[ web server]].

In addition to making sure that the machines in the Zoo are functioning properly and that you don't have any problems using the Zoo facility, we are also involved in the CS Department. Feel free to come to us with any concerns or questions that you might have as a CS major.
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Page last modified on October 30, 2009, at 08:25 PM