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Main.WebPublishing History

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September 10, 2004, at 05:20 PM by Reuben
Changed line 12 from:
This is necessary so that files in your account may be executable.
This is necessary so that files in your account will be executable.
September 10, 2004, at 05:19 PM by Reuben
Changed line 6 from:
This creates the subdirectory in your home directory in which the web server will look for your documents.
This creates the subdirectory in your home directory in which the web server will look for your documents.
Changed line 9 from:
This sets the permissions on that directory so the web server can read the documents in it.
This sets the permissions on that directory so the web server can read the documents in it.
Changed line 12 from:
This is necessary so that files in your account may be executable.
This is necessary so that files in your account may be executable.
September 10, 2004, at 05:18 PM by Reuben
Changed lines 8-12 from:
2. chmod a+x ~/public_html ~
This sets the permissions on both the public_html directory and your home directoryso the web server can read the documents in it.
2. chmod a+x ~/public_html
This sets the permissions on that directory so the web server can read the documents in it.

3. chmod a+x ~
This is necessary so that files in your account may be executable.
September 10, 2004, at 05:17 PM by Reuben
Changed line 3 from:
To setup a directory for your web documents, type the following two commands:
To setup a directory for your web documents, type the following three commands:
Added line 6:
This creates the subdirectory in your home directory in which the web server will look for your documents.
Changed lines 8-9 from:
This creates the subdirectory in your home directory in which the web server will look for your documents.
2. chmod a+x ~/public_html

This sets the permissions on that directory so the web server can read the documents in it.
2. chmod a+x ~/public_html ~
This sets the permissions on both the public_html directory and your home directoryso the web server can read the documents in it.
August 04, 2004, at 11:11 PM by
Changed lines 1-16 from:
Describe WebPublishing here.

Creating your web page

To setup a directory for your web documents, type the following two commands:

1. mkdir ~/public_html

This creates the subdirectory in your home directory in which the web server will look for your documents.
2. chmod a+x ~/public_html

This sets the permissions on that directory so the web server can read the documents in it.

Make sure that any files you put in ~/public_html are world-readable. You can set this by typing chmod a+r ~/public_html/filename for each file filename or chmod -R a+r ~/public_html to make all files in ~/public_html world-readable. You'll also want to make sure that all the parent directories of your web documents are world-searchable, via chmod a+x. Your quota on the Zoo file server is also the limit for the size of your web space.

The URL points to the file index.html in your html directory.

See the Yale Webmaster's Web authoring resources and the Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media for more tips on web publishing.
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Page last modified on September 10, 2004, at 05:20 PM