The Zoo Computing Laboratory
Yale University Computer Science Department
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Main.ZooHelp History

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September 10, 2004, at 05:01 PM by Reuben
Changed line 9 from:
!![[{{FAQ}} Frequently Answered Questions]]
!![[{{FAQ}} Frequently Asked Questions]]
August 05, 2004, at 08:06 PM by
Added lines 1-2:
!Zoo Help
August 04, 2004, at 11:14 PM by
Changed line 22 from:
!![[{{Printing}} in the Zoo]]
!![[{{Printing}} Printing in the Zoo]]
August 04, 2004, at 11:13 PM by
Changed line 22 from:
!!{{Printing in the Zoo}}
!![[{{Printing}} in the Zoo]]
August 04, 2004, at 10:48 PM by
Changed line 10 from:
!!{{Zoo remote access}}
!![[{{Remote Access}} Zoo remote access]]
August 04, 2004, at 10:43 PM by
Changed line 25 from:
!!{{Getting help in the Zoo}}
!![[{{Getting Help}} Getting help in the Zoo]]
August 04, 2004, at 10:33 PM by
Changed line 19 from:
!![[{{Web Publishing Web publishing on the Zoo]]
!![[{{Web Publishing}} Web publishing on the Zoo]]
August 04, 2004, at 10:33 PM by
Changed line 19 from:
!!{{Web publishing on the Zoo}}
!![[{{Web Publishing Web publishing on the Zoo]]
August 04, 2004, at 10:30 PM by
Changed line 16 from:
!!{{Zoo rules and etiquette}}
!![[{{Rules}} Zoo rules and etiquette]]
August 04, 2004, at 10:29 PM by
Changed line 1 from:
{{Accessing the Zoo}}
!!{{Accessing the Zoo}}
Changed line 4 from:
{{Setting up your Zoo account}}
!!{{Setting up your Zoo account}}
Changed line 7 from:
[[{{FAQ}} Frequently Answered Questions]]
!![[{{FAQ}} Frequently Answered Questions]]
Changed line 10 from:
{{Zoo remote access}}
!!{{Zoo remote access}}
Changed line 13 from:
{{Communicating in the Zoo}}
!!{{Communicating in the Zoo}}
Changed line 16 from:
{{Zoo rules and etiquette}}
!!{{Zoo rules and etiquette}}
Changed line 19 from:
{{Web publishing on the Zoo}}
!!{{Web publishing on the Zoo}}
Changed line 22 from:
{{Printing in the Zoo}}
!!{{Printing in the Zoo}}
Changed line 25 from:
{{Getting help in the Zoo}}
!!{{Getting help in the Zoo}}
Changed lines 28-29 from:
{{Zoo Library}}
Newly renovated and refurbished!


*{{Accessing the Zoo}}
**Finding and getting access to the Zoo
*{{Setting up your Zoo account}}
**Logging in and customizing your work environment
*[[{{FAQ}} Frequently Answered Questions]]
**Questions we have to answer a lot. Maybe yours is here?
*{{Zoo remote access}}
**Use the Zoo from home or on the road!
*{{Communicating in the Zoo}}
**Tools to help you communicate with Zoo users and the world
*{{Zoo rules and etiquette}}
**The golden rule, and other ideologies
*{{Web publishing on the Zoo}}
**Your personal pitstop on the information superhighway!
*{{Printing in the Zoo}}
**Directions for printing while in the zoo
*{{Getting help in the Zoo}}
**If your questions aren't answered here...
*{{Zoo Library}}
**Newly renovated and refurbished!
!!{{Zoo Library}}
Newly renovated and refurbished!
August 04, 2004, at 10:28 PM by
Changed lines 29-52 from:
Newly renovated and refurbished!
Newly renovated and refurbished!


*{{Accessing the Zoo}}
**Finding and getting access to the Zoo
*{{Setting up your Zoo account}}
**Logging in and customizing your work environment
*[[{{FAQ}} Frequently Answered Questions]]
**Questions we have to answer a lot. Maybe yours is here?
*{{Zoo remote access}}
**Use the Zoo from home or on the road!
*{{Communicating in the Zoo}}
**Tools to help you communicate with Zoo users and the world
*{{Zoo rules and etiquette}}
**The golden rule, and other ideologies
*{{Web publishing on the Zoo}}
**Your personal pitstop on the information superhighway!
*{{Printing in the Zoo}}
**Directions for printing while in the zoo
*{{Getting help in the Zoo}}
**If your questions aren't answered here...
*{{Zoo Library}}
**Newly renovated and refurbished!
August 04, 2004, at 10:27 PM by
Changed lines 1-29 from:
Describe ZooHelp here.
{{Accessing the Zoo}}
Finding and getting access to the Zoo

{{Setting up your Zoo account}}
Logging in and customizing your work environment

[[{{FAQ}} Frequently Answered Questions]]
Questions we have to answer a lot. Maybe yours is here?

{{Zoo remote access}}
Use the Zoo from home or on the road!

{{Communicating in the Zoo}}
Tools to help you communicate with Zoo users and the world

{{Zoo rules and etiquette}}
The golden rule, and other ideologies

{{Web publishing on the Zoo}}
Your personal pitstop on the information superhighway!

{{Printing in the Zoo}}
Directions for printing while in the zoo

{{Getting help in the Zoo}}
If your questions aren't answered here...

{{Zoo Library}}
Newly renovated and refurbished!
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Page last modified on September 10, 2004, at 05:01 PM