The Zoo Computing Laboratory
Yale University Computer Science Department
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Main.GettingHelp History

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August 04, 2004, at 11:22 PM by
Changed lines 5-6 from:
  • Documentation for Red Hat Linux, the operating system installed on all but two of the Zoo machines, can be found at Red Hat's web site,
  • The Linux Documentation Project, at maintains a repository of support resources for a variety of applications and utilities.
  • Documentation for Red Hat Linux, the operating system installed on all but two of the Zoo machines, can be found at Red Hat's web site,
  • The Linux Documentation Project, at maintains a repository of support resources for a variety of applications and utilities.
Changed line 10 from:
Documentation for Microsoft Windows 2000, which is installed on the two non-Linux machines, can be found at Microsoft's Windows 2000 web site,
Documentation for Microsoft Windows 2000, which is installed on the two non-Linux machines, can be found at Microsoft's Windows 2000 web site,
Changed line 14 from:
Changed line 19 from:
If there is a terrible disaster in the Zoo (for example, if a pipe breaks and the Zoo gets flooded), you can call the Facility Hotline. If nobody answers the phone, leave your name, the time, and a brief but detailed message of the problem. The number is 432-1257.
If there is a terrible disaster in the Zoo (for example, if a pipe breaks and the Zoo gets flooded), you can call the Facility Hotline. If nobody answers the phone, leave your name, the time, and a brief but detailed message of the problem. The number is 432-1257.
August 04, 2004, at 11:21 PM by
Changed lines 1-19 from:
Describe GettingHelp here.
This section of the DSAC Help System explains how to get help using the Zoo and also describes how you can give DSAC feedback about the Zoo.


Linux support is available from a number of sources:
  • Documentation for Red Hat Linux, the operating system installed on all but two of the Zoo machines, can be found at Red Hat's web site,
  • The Linux Documentation Project, at maintains a repository of support resources for a variety of applications and utilities.
  • From the console, you can type man command, where command is the name of a command you'd like to learn more about. For example, man man will give you an explanation of the man program itself. Manual pages are organized into different, searchable sections -- man 2 strtok, for example, will tell those of you who are writing C code about the strtok function, which lives in section 2 (where a lot of other C library calls live, too, hint hint!).


Documentation for Microsoft Windows 2000, which is installed on the two non-Linux machines, can be found at Microsoft's Windows 2000 web site,

Who to Contact

If you want to email an actual person, there are two addresses that you should know by heart. They are:

Write to DSAC to report software-related problems with the Zoo, such as a crashed node or a downed printer, as well as to get information about Majors accounts and information about the Computer Science curriculum.

If there is a terrible disaster in the Zoo (for example, if a pipe breaks and the Zoo gets flooded), you can call the Facility Hotline. If nobody answers the phone, leave your name, the time, and a brief but detailed message of the problem. The number is 432-1257.
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Page last modified on August 04, 2004, at 11:22 PM