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Main.RemoteAccess History

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January 25, 2005, at 06:48 PM by Reuben
Changed lines 15-17 from:
  • To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type
    ssh -l netid
  • To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type
    ssh -X -l netid
  • For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type:
    ssh -X -l netid
  • To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type
  • To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type
    ssh -X
  • For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type:
    ssh -X
October 07, 2004, at 05:57 PM by Reuben
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If you are on a networked PC or Macintosh (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as Putty, SecureCRT, or F-Secure SSH. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."
If you are on a networked PC (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as Putty, SecureCRT, or F-Secure SSH. You can also use xwin, an xclient, which is available from On a Mac with OS X you can use either the Terminal (in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder) or X11. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."
September 16, 2004, at 06:29 PM by Reuben
Changed line 32 from:
You can also use scp to transfer files from another host to your zoo account:
You can also use scp to transfer files from another host to your zoo account:
September 16, 2004, at 06:28 PM by Reuben
Added line 39:
<i>Make sure to connect to a zoo server, such as, instead of</i>
September 16, 2004, at 06:27 PM by Reuben
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coming soon...
Using Fugu on Mac OS X
September 12, 2004, at 05:23 AM by Reuben
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Of course, you don't need to be physically in the Zoo to use the Zoo machines. You can log into the nodes remotely from any of the public computer clusters at Yale, or from your room if it is networked. The primary public clusters are located in:
Of course, you don't need to be physically in the Zoo to use the Zoo machines. You can log into the nodes remotely from any of the public computer clusters at Yale, or from your room if it is networked. The primary public clusters are located in:
September 12, 2004, at 05:21 AM by Reuben
Changed line 9 from:
If you are on a networked PC or Macintosh (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as SecureCRT or F-Secure SSH. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."
If you are on a networked PC or Macintosh (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as Putty, SecureCRT, or F-Secure SSH. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."
Changed lines 21-40 from:

Dial-up access to the Zo


Transferring Files to or from the Zoo

Using scp

scp (secure copy) is a unix tool for transferring files between Unix hosts, including computers running OS X.

Let's say I want to transfer the public_html directory from my computer to the zoo. I would enter into the terminal on my own computer:
 % ls
 Music   Pictures    public_html ...
 % scp -r public_html
Remember to replace netid with your own netid. Feel free to use any zoo host instead of swan. The -r option means copy recursively.

You can also use scp to transfer files from another host to your zoo account:
 % scp -r .
which is the same as:
 % scp -r public_html

Using an SFTP Client

coming soon...

Dial-up access to the Zoo

August 05, 2004, at 06:10 AM by
Changed lines 15-17 from:
  • To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type \\ ssh -l netid
  • To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type \\ ssh -X -l netid
  • For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type: \\ssh -X -l netid
  • To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type
    ssh -l netid
  • To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type
    ssh -X -l netid
  • For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type:
    ssh -X -l netid
August 05, 2004, at 06:09 AM by
Changed line 9 from:
If you are on a networked PC or Macintosh (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as SecureCRT or F-Secure SSH. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."
If you are on a networked PC or Macintosh (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as SecureCRT or F-Secure SSH. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."
Changed lines 15-17 from:
To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type
ssh -l netid

To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type
ssh -X -l netid

For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type:
ssh -X -l netid
  • To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type \\ ssh -l netid
  • To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type \\ ssh -X -l netid
  • For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type: \\ssh -X -l netid
August 05, 2004, at 06:06 AM by
Changed lines 15-21 from:
If you are using Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type:
To connect without a X Windows connection in Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type
ssh -l netid

To connect with an X Windows connection in Linux, simply type
ssh -X -l netid

For OS X, you'll need to download and install Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal. Type:
Deleted line 22:
(replace python with the animal of your choice, and netid with your netid.) For the X connection to work in OS X, you must download Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal.
August 05, 2004, at 06:03 AM by
Added lines 15-18:
If you are using Linux or Mac OS X, open a terminal window (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal for OS X) and type:
ssh -X -l netid
(replace python with the animal of your choice, and netid with your netid.) For the X connection to work in OS X, you must download Apple's X11 and use the X11 terminal instead of the system terminal.

Changed line 22 from:
If you're coming in through one of Yale's PPP lines, the procedure is a bit more complicated. Please check out the Yale ITS remote access support pages for more information.
If you're coming in through one of Yale's PPP lines, the procedure is a bit more complicated. Please check out the Yale ITS remote access support pages for more information.
August 04, 2004, at 10:49 PM by
Changed lines 1-18 from:
Describe RemoteAccess here.

Using the Zoo away from the Zoo

Of course, you don't need to be physically in the Zoo to use the Zoo machines. You can log into the nodes remotely from any of the public computer clusters at Yale, or from your room if it is networked. The primary public clusters are located in:
  • the basement of Connecticut Hall
  • each residential college
  • the Cross Campus Library (CCL)
  • the Circus (Dunham Lab, room 108)

LAN-based access to the Zoo

If you are on a networked PC or Macintosh (at home or in a cluster), you can use an SSH client, such as SecureCRT or F-Secure SSH. The zoo is no longer accessible via "kerberized telnet."

Remember, you must specify the name of the Zoo machine you wish to connect to (e.g.,

Depending on your connection type, you may also be able to have Zoo applications that require X Windows display their content on your machine. To do this, you will need an X Server built for the platform from which you plan to connect to the Zoo.

If you need more information about connecting to the network from your room, contact one of the Computing Assistants in your residential college.

Dial-up access to the Zo

If you're coming in through one of Yale's PPP lines, the procedure is a bit more complicated. Please check out the Yale ITS remote access support pages for more information.
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Page last modified on January 25, 2005, at 06:48 PM