CPSC 201 - Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2024
[Contact Info and Schedule]
[Computer Science Department]
Course Information
The Racket Guide
, a description of Racket intended for people with previous programming experience.
. DrRacket download and much more. For coursework choose #lang racket.
Lecture notes in Jupyter notebook and HTML formal.
course site, including Ed Discussion.
the go-to site for all your office hours needs.
CPSC201 YouTube channel
instructional videos!
. Email alias to reach all instructional staff members with a question.
Linux introduction
, Stephen Slade's introduction to Linux.
Zoo status page
. Maintained by
(Department Student Advisory Committee).
The Zoo and the Zoo Annex
, including instructions for remote access to the Zoo, courtesy of Prof. Aspnes.
Racket style guide
, advice to help make your code correct and readable.
Learn about common Racket errors:
arity mismatch
contract violations
, and
application not a procedure
Midterm Exam 1: Tuesday October 8th, 7pm. Davies / SAS B031
Midterm Exam 2: Tuesday November 5th, 7pm. Davies / SAS B031
Final exam: Saturday, December 14th, 7pm. RTBA.
We will be using
Canvas Ed Discussion
for class announcements, including office hours.