
> > > > Programming Assignments > Assignment 1 - Extracting Comments



Profs. Dawn Lawrie and Dave Binkley are working on a project with the aim of splitting and expanding identifers to aid program comprehension and search. For example, if a programmer wants to find the parts of a program where the radius of a sphere is computed or used, they might not know that the code code uses the identifier sphrad for that value and so would not know what to search for. Profs. Lawrie and Binkley use nearby comments in order to determine how to split and expand identifiers, so that if sphrad appears near the comment "compute the radius of the sphere" in one place, sphrad would match the search "sphere radius" everywhere.

You will develop a tool to extract comments from C source code as the first part of this analysis (we will leave extraction of identifiers and all subsequent steps to someone else).


Write a program called Comments that reads C source code from standard input and writes the text of the comments to standard output. The text of a comment does not include the delimiters /* and */ at the beginning or end of a C-style comment, or the marker // that starts a C++-style comment. In both cases, leading whitespace and asterisks (*) on each line should not be output; internal and trailing whitespace should be output as is and each non-empty comment should be output with a newline character at the end ("non-empty" means contains something other than whitespace, asterisks, and tags). Furthermore, doxygen/javadoc style tags – any word within a comment that starts with an at symbol (@) – should not be output regardless of what type of comment it is in and whether it is actually a valid tag (so don't output something like @DrGlennNFA even though that is not a tag used by either tool). Additionally, note that

Other things to consider:

Your program must handle violations of those assumptions gracefully – it must not crash or go into an infinite loop.

Your program must use only a constant amount of space (in other words, the amount of memory used must not vary with the amount of input read). So, for example, you may not use arrays or call malloc.

Your submission must include a makefile that produces an executable file named Comments when make is run with no arguments.


If the input file input_0.txt contains
/* This is a single-line C comment */
#include <stdio.h>
 * This is a nicely formatted
 * multi-line comment.

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // This is a C++ comment.
Then the execution of the program would be as follows.
$ ./Comments < input_0.txt
This is a single-line C comment
This is a nicely formatted
multi-line comment.
This is a C++ comment.

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