The following is a transcript of me connecting to the Zoo with ssh, creating directories and subdirectories to hold my work, and then editing, compiling, and running my program. The commands I entered are the ones after the prompt [jrg94@hawk ~]$.

$ ssh                                    my cygwin terminal prompt's password:                              enter Yale-wide password here
/*                                 Welcome!                         a greeting message from the Zoo
 * ANNOUNCEMENTS: This Zoo node has been upgraded to Fedora 28.
 *            ... please report any issues to
 * NODE REBOOTS:  Thursdays, 07:30
[jrg94@hawk ~]$ mkdir CPSC223          create a directory (folder) for 223 files (only need to do the mkdir commands once)
[jrg94@hawk ~]$ cd CPSC223             make that the working (current) directory
[jrg94@hawk CPSC223]$ mkdir P1         create a subdirectory in called P1 in the current directory (CPSC223)
[jrg94@hawk CPSC223]$ cd P1            make that the working directory
[jrg94@hawk P1]$ emacs hello.c         create the source code with emacs (no transcript of editing within emacs; Control-x Control-s to save and Control-x Control-c to quit)
[jrg94@hawk P1]$ gcc -o Hello hello.c  compile hello.c to produce executable called Hello
[jrg94@hawk P1]$ ./Hello               run the executable
Hello, world!                          the output of our program!
[jrg94@hawk P1]$ emacs log             create the log file
[jrg94@hawk P1]$ /c/cs223/bin/submit 1 hello.c log      submit source and log
Copying hello.c
Copying log
[jrg94@hawk P1]$ /c/cs223/bin/testit 1 Hello            test my submission
Executing /home/classes/cs223/Hwk1/test.Hello

Public test script for Hello (8/29/18)

gcc -o Hello -Wall -pedantic -std=c99 -g3 hello.c        ignore this warning (or see Piazza for an explanation)
hello.c:3:6: warning: return type of ‘main’ is not ‘int’ [-Wmain]
 void main()

Each test is either passed or failed; there is no partial credit.
           Basic Execution (2 points)
  1 point  001. Check First Line                         1st test passed
  1 point  002. Do not Crash                             2nd test passed

           Basic Execution (2 points): 2 points          full marks; hooray!