Date Description
2018-08-30 hello.c
Transcript of commands to edit, compile, and execute
2018-09-04 distance.c: first attempt at distance calculator
2018-09-06 Improved distance calculator: distance.c more_math.h more_math.c geography.h geography.c
State machines: diagrams Jimilinks processor
2018-09-11 makefile for distance calculator
Splitting audio data using a state machine: split.c with state machine
arrays.c strings.c
2018-09-18 Even more Improved distance calculator (using structs and pointers): distance.c geography.h geography.c (more_math does not change)
Memory Lane diagram
2018-09-20 Processing audio file (using track_list ADT and dynamic memory allcoation): split_with_struct.c track_list.h track_list.c makefile
Memory diagram for resize with math
2018-09-25 Arrays and Pointers: array_pointers.c dynamic_rectangular_2d.c Memory diagrams
Backtracking: sum_squares.c sum_squares_faster.c print_permutations.c
2018-09-27 Pointer comparisons
Processing audio file (using opaque struct): split_with_opaque.c track_list.h track_list.c
2018-10-02 Function pointers: binary_search.c
Processing audio file (using files and function pointers): split_with_fxn_ptr.c track_list.h track_list.c
2018-10-04 Exam #1 Practice Problems
Fall 2017 Exam #1
Queues using arrays and linked lists: request_queue.h request_queue.c request_queue_linked.c server.c makefile
diagrams for doubly-linked lists and iterators
Lists and iterators using arrays and linked list request_list.h request_list_array.c request_list_linked.c list_test.c makefile
2018-10-23 Map example with unsorted array implementation: word_count.c smap.h smap.c makefile
2018-10-25 Hash tables
2018-10-30 Airport flight counter (uses smap from 2018-10-23): count_flights.c coupons.txt (small data file) coupon_2014q4.txt (large data file; access from Zoo) string_util.h string_util.c usdot.h usdot.c makefile
Flight segment assembler: build_routes.c ismap.h ismap.c
2018-11-01 Binary Search Trees/AVL Trees
2018-11-06 Double Rotations/BST Delete/Range
BST code: iset.h iset.c iset_test.c makefile
2018-11-08 Red-Black Insert
2018-11-13 Red-Black Delete
2018-11-15 Splay Trees and k-d Trees
2018-11-27 Graphs
2018-11-29 Breadth- and Depth-First Search
2018-12-04 Dynamic Programming
Fibonacci numbers
Fewest stamps
2018-12-07 Fall 2017 Exam #2
More practice problems and Solutions
Examples can also be found on the Zoo in /home/httpd/html/zoo/classes/cs223/f2018/Examples and its subdirectories.