Syllabus for Computer Science 458


Automated Decision Systems, Spring 2024

MW 4:00-5:20pm, Davies Auditorium.

Stephen Slade
113 AKW, 432-1246
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday, 2 to 3pm, and by appointment.
Zoom meeting id: 459 434 2854.

Teaching Assistant: John Kolesar
Office hours: Tuesday 3 to 5pm
Office: AKW 211.

Please see Instructor and TA contact information.

Course Description

People make dozens of decisions every day in their personal and professional lives. What would it mean for you to trust a computer to make those decisions for you? It is likely that many of those decisions are already informed, mediated, or even made by computer systems. Explicit examples include dating sites like or recommendation systems such as Amazon or Netflix. Most Internet ads on sites like Google or Facebook are run by real time bidding (RTB) systems that conduct split second auctions in the hopes of getting your attention. Driverless cars offer the promise of safer highways. Corporations and other enterprises invest in decision support systems to improve the quality of their products and services.

The spectrum of domains is diverse and impressive. As these systems become more accomplished, they also become more dissimilar. Like medicine, where most diagnostic tools and treatments rely on specialized knowledge, decision systems exhibit similar Balkanization. It is said that an expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less until they ultimately know everything about nothing. There is no grand, unified theory of disease. (Actually, there are researchers at Yale who propose inflammatory processes as such a theory.)

This course takes a meta approach. We will explore a cognitive process model of decisions that can be applied to almost any domain. We will simulate human decision making, based on goals, relationships, and emotions. We will apply this model to tasks such as preference, choice, explanation, planning, advice, and persuasion. Domains will include politics, ethics, finance, and technology.

We will have a number of guest speakers who will talk about real world systems and applications. Past speakers have come from the world of finance, as well as Google, Facebook, and Palantir. They are generally interested in recruiting as well. We often are able to arrange for a handful of students to have dinner with the speakers after class.


Other Resources

Web page
The course web page is at

Ed Discussions.
Students will be able to access Ed Discussions through Canvas, which permits an interactive exchange of questions and information. Note: students are not allowed to post code to Ed Discussions.

Course canvas site: Canvas
Zoo accounts
The Zoo is a collection of computers located on the 3rd floor of AKW at the front of the building. You will need a *course account* on the Zoo to submit homework. Once you register for the course, an account on the zoo will be created within a few hours through an automated process. There will be *help sessions* on using the Zoo early in the term. A Zoo tutorial is available on-line from the course web page.

Course directory
The course directory, /c/cs458 is accessible from your Zoo course account. It contains copies of handouts.

Course Requirements

The course requirements consist of class attendance (required for guest speakers), several programming assignments in Python or Jupyter Notebooks, and occasional written homework and canvas quizzes, a paper and a final project. The programming assignments are an integral part of the course. For the paper, you will be asked to use Chat-GPT for brainstorming.

The lectures will be recorded. Attendance is required for guest speakers. On other days, there may be in-class quizzes to reward attendance.

Complete the online student information sheet.

Final Project

Each student will complete a final project comprising an automated decision system in a domain of interest. The assumption is that the student will use one of the techniques discussed in the course, and implement the system in Python. The instructor will provide a list of suggested topics, as well as entertain original proposals. Students may work in groups. The expectation is that a group project should have more substance than an individual project.

Grade Distribution

Late Policy

Late work without a Dean's excuse will be assessed a penalty of 5 points per day, based on the day and time recorded by the Zoo electronic submit program. At the end of term, up to 50 points will be deducted from the total lateness penalties your homework has accrued. However, according to Yale College regulations, *no* homework can be accepted after the end of Reading Week without a Temporary Incomplete (TI) authorized by your dean.

If you have a Dean's excuse or a TI, making up missed work may involve alternative assignments, at the discretion of the instructor; please check with the instructor in this case.

Policy on Working Together

Unless otherwise specified, the homework assignments are your individual responsibility. Plagiarism is a violation of University rules and will not be tolerated. You must neither copy work from others (at Yale or elsewhere) nor allow your own work to be copied. You are definitely on the wrong side of the boundary if you give or receive a printed or electronic copy of your or anyone else's work for the course from this term.

You are encouraged to ask others for help with the computers and Unix, with questions about Python, general questions about the concepts and material of the course, but if you need more extensive help with a program or other assignment, please ask a TA or the instructor for assistance. Working in groups to solve homework problems is not permitted in this course, except for the final project. Please talk to the instructor if you have any questions about this policy.

Usability, Disability and Design

I am committed to creating a course that is inclusive in its design. If you encounter barriers, please let me know immediately so that we can determine if there is a design adjustment that can be made or if an accommodation might be needed to overcome the limitations of the design. I am always happy to consider creative solutions as long as they do not compromise the intent of the assessment or learning activity. You are also welcome to contact Student Accessibility Services to begin this conversation or to establish accommodations for this or other courses. I welcome feedback that will assist me in improving the usability and experience for all students.

During my years at Yale, I have had students who were either blind or deaf. They were generally among the best in the class. I want to make you succeed.

Course Outline

Week Date Topic Speaker
1 Jan 17, 19 Introduction and Overview of Decision Making
2 Jan 22, 24 Economic Decision Theory.
Behavioral Economics
3 Jan 29, 31 AI, Cognitive Science, and Consciousness
4 Feb 5, 7 Feb 5: Guest speaker: John Niccolai, Citadel.
Goals Capital Budgeting / Net Present Value
5 Feb 12, 14 Feb 12: Guest speakers: Joanne Lipman and Rebecca Distler. AI and the media. .

6 Feb 19, 21 Feb 19: Guest speaker: Luciano Floridi, Director Yale Digital Ethics Center. Topic: AI and Ethics.
Feb 21: Guest speaker: Duke Dukelis, Google. Topic: Internet Ad Technology.

7 Feb 26, 28 Relationships, Explanations, Emotions Case based reasoning. Quantitative Finance

Feb 28: Guest speaker: Professor William Goetzmann, Yale School of Management. Finance.

8 Mar 4, 6 Mar 4: Guest speaker: Eren Orbey, Microsoft.
Expert Systems

Mar 9-24Spring Break

9 Mar 25, 27 Qualitative Arithmetic .

10 Apr 1, 3
April 1: Guest Speaker: Richard Apostolik, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)<
Risk Management as Exception Handling

11 Apr 8, 10 Teleology of Technology (DWIM) .

12 Apr 15, 17 Projects
April 17: Guest Speaker: Alborz Geramifard, Meta. Remote lecture over zoom.

13 Apr 22, 24 Projects
