CPSC 461b: Foundations of Cryptography Notes 7 (rev. 1)
Professor M. J. Fischer February 3, 2009

Lecture Notes 7

19 Strongly One-Way from Weakly One-Way Functions

We now complete the proof theorem 1 from lecture 6 by constructing a strongly one-way function g from a weakly one-way function f.

Let f be a weakly one-way function with associated polynomial p(). Assume w.l.o.g. that f is length-preserving. Let t(n) = n p(n), and let T = {n t(n)n ∈ }. Let g be the function on length nt(n) strings defined by g(x1,,xt(n)) = (f(x1),,f(xt(n)), where |x1|,,|xt(n)| = n. That is, given a string x of length n t(n), g splits it into t(n) length-n strings x1,,xt(n), applies f() to each, and concatenates the t(n) result strings so obtained.

Lemma 1 g is strongly one-way on lengths in T .

Proof: Assume g is not strongly one-way on lengths in T . We proceed to derive a contradiction.

Since g is assumed not strongly one-way, there exists a p.p.t. algorithm Band a polynomial q() such that for infinitely many m ∈ T ,

Pr[B ′ inverts g(U )] >--1--.
               m     q(m )

Let Mbe the infinite set of integers for which inequality 1 holds, and let N= {nn2p(n) ∈ M′}.

We describe a p.p.t. algorithm Afor inverting f on input y. First consider the procedure Ifor inverting f.

Procedure I(y):

For i = 1 to t(n) do:

1. Choose x1,,xt(n) ∈{0,1}n uniformly and independently.

2. Compute (z1,,zt(n)) =  B(f(x1),,f(xi-1),y,f(xi+1),,f(xt(n))).

3. If f(zi) = y, then halt and output zi and declare “success”.

If f(zi)y for all i, then halt and declare “failure”.

Now, algorithm A(y) runs I(y) repeatedly a total of a(n) = 2n2 p(n) q(n2p(n)) times. If any of the runs of I(y) succeed, then Asucceeds and gives the output of the first successful I; otherwise, A fails.

For n ∈ N, we will show that

P r[A′ inverts f (U )] > 1 --1-,
                n        p(n)

contradicting the assumption that f is weakly one-way.


Sn = {x | P r[I′ inverts f(x)] >--}
                             a(n )

be the set of good inputs of length n. Claim 1 shows that Sn is the set of inputs on which Isucceeds often enough so that Ahas an exponentially small failure probability.

Claim 1 For all x ∈ Sn, Pr[A inverts f(x)] > 1 -1-

Proof: Immediate since for x ∈ Sn,

                    (         )
     ′                    -n-- a(n)   1--  1--
P r[A fails on f(x)] < 1-  a(n)     <  en < 2n.


We now show in Claim 2 that almost all inputs x are in Sn for those lengths n that correspond to values m = n2p(n) ∈ Mon which Bhas a success probability greater than 1∕q(m). (See inequality 1.)

Claim 2 For all n ∈ N,

|Sn|      --1--
 2n >  1- 2p (n ).

Proof: Assume to the contrary that

      (       1  )
|Sn| ≤  1-  -----  ⋅2n

and let m = n2p(n). By inequality 1,

s(n ) d=fP r[B ′ inverts g(Um )] >-1-.
                            q(m )

The random variable Um consists of n p(n) independent n-bit blocks Un(1),,Un(np(n)). Define

s1(n) = P r[(B ′ inverts g(Um ))∧ (∃i)U(ni) ⁄∈ Sn];

s2(n) = P r[(B ′ inverts g(Um ))∧ (∀i)U(ni) ∈ Sn].

Clearly, s(n) = s1(n) + s2(n).

We derive a contradiction by showing that both s1(n) and s2(n) are bounded from above by n2 p(n)∕a(n).

Note that

P r[I′ inverts f (x )] ≥ Pr[B ′ inverts g(U ) | U (i)= x ]
                                  m     n

This is because algorithm Isucceeds on y = f(x) whenever Bsucceeds on g(Um) and Un(i) = x.

Following the text, we have

s1(n)  =  P r[(∃i)((B′ inverts g(Um ))∧ U (ni)⁄∈ Sn )]                     (5)
       ≤   ∑   P r[(B ′ inverts g(U ))∧ U (i)⁄∈ S ]                      (6)
                               m      n     n
          n⋅∑p(n) ∑        ′                 (i)
       ≤            Pr[(B inverts g(Um ))∧ U n = x]                   (7)
           i=1 x⁄∈Sn
          n⋅∑p(n) ∑
       =            Pr[U(ni)= x]⋅P r[B′ inverts g(Um ) | U(ni)= x]      (8)
           i=1 x⁄∈Sn

          n⋅∑p(n)          ′               (i)
       ≤       mxa⁄∈xSn{P r[B  inverts g(Um ) | Un = x]}                   (9)
       ≤       max {P r[I ′ inverts f(x)]}                              (10)
           i=1 x⁄∈Sn
                    n     n2 ⋅p(n)
       ≤  n ⋅p(n) ⋅---- = --------.                                 (11)
                   a(n)     a(n)
Step (10) follows from inequality (4), and step (11) follows from the definition of Sn and the obvious fact that Pr[I inverts f(x)] 1 since all events have probability at most 1.

The following bound on s2(n) holds for all sufficiently large n.

s2(n)  ≤  P r[(∀i)Un  ∈ Sn ]                            (12)
          (       1  )n⋅p(n)    1
       ≤    1-  2p(n)       < -n∕2                     (13)
            2                 2
       <   n-⋅p(n)-                                    (14)
            a(n )
Here, step (12) follows from the definition of s2(n), step (13) is by the assumed inequality (2)), and step (14) holds because every positive rational function is greater than an inverse exponential for all sufficiently large n.

From (11) and (14), we have

s(n ) = s (n) + s(n ) ≤ 2n2-⋅p(n) =---1---- = --1--.
       1       2        a(n)     q(n2p(n))   q(m )

This contradicts (3), completing the proof of the claim. __

To finish the proof of the lemma, we observe that

Pr[Un ∈ Sn] ≥ 1- 2p(n )

follows immediately from claim 2, and

P r[A ′ inverts f(Un ) | Un ∈ Sn ] ≥ 1--n

follows from claim 1 since the bound applies to every x ∈ Sn. Hence,

Pr[A′ inverts f (Un)] ≥ Pr[(A′ inverts f(Un))∧ Un ∈ Sn]
                   =   Pr[Un ∈ Sn] ⋅Pr[A′ inverts f (Un) | Un ∈ Sn]
                       (         )  (       )
                   ≥    1 - --1--  ⋅  1-  1-- > 1 - --1-.
                            2p(n)         2n        p(n)
This contradicts the assumption that f is weakly one-way with associated polynomial p(), concluding the proof of the lemma. __