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Yale University Department of Computer Science
CS 467: Cryptography and Computer Security
Michael J. Fischer

Course Home Page, Spring 2013

TTh 1:00-2:15, AKW 000
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Recent Announcements:

  • 4 May. A 2-hour final examination will be given at the officially scheduled time and place, Tuesday, May 7, 9:00 am in room WLH 113. Those enrolled under the graduate number CPSC 567b are also expected to take the final exam. In keeping with Yale College regulations, you will have a total of 2 1/2 hours to work the exam.

  • 19 Apr. I posted Problem Set 7 (.pdf). It is due on Wednesday, May 1, 2013.

  • 12 Apr. I posted Problem Set 6 (.pdf). It is due on Friday, April 19, 2013.

  • 3 Apr. I posted Problem Set 5 (.pdf). It is due on Thursday, April 11, 2013.

  • 20 Mar. I posted Problem Set 4 (.pdf). It is due on Thursday, April 4, 2013.

  • 3 Mar. Reminder: Make-up class today, 1:00-2:15 pm, AKW 000.

    I've posted preview lectures for the remainder of the term except for the last week of classes. These have been rearranged somewhat from the lecture outline in the syllabus due to the Enigma demonstration and the snow cancellation. As always, they're subject to change.

  • 18 Feb. Two announcements:

    1. I posted Problem Set 3 (.pdf). It is due on Tuesday, February 26, 2013.

    2. I just posted two handouts that should be useful in studying for the midterm exam. The number theory summary (.pdf) contains a concise list of the number theory that we have covered to date, followed by topics that we have not covered (and that will not be on the exam), beginning with the Chinese Remainder Theorem. The handout on linear congruence equations (.pdf) shows how to solve them and more.

  • 16 Feb. Important announcements:

    1. The due date for problem set 2 has been extended to Tuesday, February 19.

    2. The midterm examination will be given as originally scheduled on Thursday, February 28, in our regular classroom, AKW 000.

    3. The class that was canceled due to the storm has been rescheduled for 1:00-2:15 pm on Sunday, March 3, in AKW 000. Ewa Syta will lecture on elliptic curve cryptography.

  • 10 Feb. I have posted a photo gallery of the Enigma demo that Col. Robert Sadowski so graciously treated us all to on January 31. Enjoy!

  • 7 Feb. My slide 9 in today's lecture 8 was indeed all messed up. I've fixed it in the non-preview version of the slides that I just posted.

  • 28 Jan. The TA will hold office hours in room AKW 402 on Thursdays, 10:45am—12:45pm, or by appointment.

  • 24 Jan. We will be meeting in room AKW 000 for the rest of this term.

  • 24 Jan. The botan library was on the Zoo after all, but not where I had expected to find it. I've fixed the PS2 Makefile accordingly.

  • 23 Jan. I just learned that the botan library is not on the Zoo. I've requested that it be installed, so it should be available soon, but until it is, you won't be able to build the PS2 programs.

  • 23 Jan. I posted Problem Set 2 (.pdf). It is due on Thursday, January 24, 2013 Thursday, February 14, 2013.

  • 17 Jan. I posted Problem Set 1 (.pdf). It is due on Thursday, January 24, 2013, and must be submitted using the submit script on the Zoo. Because the due date falls during shopping period and some people may be entering the class late, I will accept papers until midnight on Thursday, January 31 (without a late penalty). However, I encourage you to start now, both to get properly set up on the Zoo computers and because the more challanging second problem set will be out soon and you will need to allow time for it.

  • 15 Jan. Welcome to the CPSC 467b web site. Look here for announcements and course materials.

  • 15 Jan. A final examination will be given at the officially scheduled time, Tuesday, May 7, 9:00 am. Those enrolled under the graduate number CPSC 567b are also expected to take the final exam. Please take this into account when making your end-of-term travel plans. I do not plan to give an early exam for the convenience of those who want to leave campus early.

[Old Announcements]

Name: Michael J. Fischer
Office: AKW 408
Phone: 203-432-1270
Hours: By appointment
Teaching Assistant
Name: Ewa Syta
Office: AKW 402
Phone: 203-432-6497
Hours: Thursday 10:45am—12:45pm
or by appointment

Comments about this website should be directed to M. Fischer