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Yale CS Undergrads -- Fill Out This Form to Receive Job/Internship Referrals!
Jul 19, 2022 • Alice A.
Referrals are closed for the 2022 season. Keep an eye out for future opportunities!
Hope everyone is having a great summer! Recruiting for jobs/internships next year (summer 2023) is ramping up, and this year, DSAC is starting an initiative to help Yale undergraduates receive referrals for their applications. We are so grateful to have Yale students from 21 companies volunteering to write referrals for this year’s recruiting cycle! Our hope is that these referrals can help students, especially those without many prior connections, get their application and resume seen by recruiters and increase their chances of getting jobs/internships.
Here’s the full list of companies that Yale students are volunteering to give referrals for: Amazon, AMD, DE Shaw, Expedia Group, Google, IBM, Ippon Technologies USA, Jane Street, Meta, Microsoft, Nuro, Palantir, Robinhood, Rubrik, Salesforce, Snap Inc, Spotnana, Stripe, The Aerospace Corporation, The MITRE Corporation, Two Sigma If you’re interested in receiving referrals, please complete this form by next Wednesday, July 27th, where you can indicate which companies you’re interested in. We will then pass on your resume and information to some of our referral writers. We can’t guarantee that you’ll receive referrals from all of your top choices, since our referral writers may choose who to refer at their own discretion, but our goal is to help each student receive at least a few referrals. We especially encourage rising first years and sophomores to look into some of the smaller companies listed on our form, as well as specific underclassman programs (e.g. Google STEP, Meta University, Microsoft Explore, Amazon Propel, etc.).
Additionally, here is a list of companies that have opened up applications for next year’s jobs and internships. Many companies have rolling deadlines for their jobs, so we encourage you to apply as early as you can!
Best, DSAC 2022-23
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