CPSC 110: Python Programming for Humanities and Social Sciences

Jul 29, 2022 • Tyler S. on behalf of Sohee P.

The Department of Computer Science is offering a new introduction to Computer Science and Python programming course named CPSC 110: Python Programming for Humanities and Social Sciences. If you want to partner with the CPSC 110 Staff and work as a TA or ULA, please fill out the form at the link below! https://forms.gle/iPTdPcT1qJYeaB4y6

About CPSC 110

Please check courses.yale.edu or coursetable for the class time/date.

The Department of Computer Science is offering a new introduction to Computer Science and Python programming course named CPSC 110: Python Programming for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Instructor: Sohee Park (sohee.park@yale.edu)

In the first five weeks, students will learn the foundation of Computer Science, Computational Thinking, and the fundamentals of Python programming. During the rest of the semester, students will apply Python programming to the field of Data Science. Students will first learn what is Data Science, learn to ask good questions (what you might be able to learn from the data set, what people want to know, and etc.), and learn to do data analysis and data visualization. Students will finish the semester with a Data Science project using the data in the areas of students’ interests/majors.

We envision teaching students to equip the following:

  • An ability to understand the fundamental build blocks of programming.
  • An ability to write programs using the Python language
  • An ability to develop algorithms and solutions to computational problems
  • An ability to use, analyze, and present domain-specific data using Python language
  • Motivation to share what they learned with and contribute to other people in need.