CBEY Sobotka Prize - Applications now open

Oct 22, 2023 • Amar K.

CBEY’s Sobotka Prize provides seed funding for one or two Yale start-up ventures that address an environmental sustainability challenge within four key impact areas. $20,000 will be distributed between one or two ventures selected to receive the prize.

Please reach out to Aishwarya Kuruttukulam (aishwarya.kuruttukulam@yale.edu), Momoko Ishii (momoko.ishii@yale.edu), Colby Richardson (colby.richardson@yale.edu) or Amar Kakirde (amar.kakirde@yale.edu) if you have any questions about the application.

The submission deadline is Sunday, November 6, 2023, by 11:59 PM. Learn more and apply!