Precision Medicine and Cloud Computing Certificate Program

Nov 7, 2023 • sdo-support

Our team at Stanford School of Medicine has created a scholarship-eligible Precision Medicine and Cloud Computing Certificate Program on Stanford Data Ocean. We want to invite students in your department to sign up for a free account, and explore the learning modules in Research Ethics, Python and R Programming, and Statistics.

Comprehensive Curriculum: In as short as 4 weeks, students who enroll in the certificate program will learn Programming, Statistics, Cloud Computing, AI/ML, and get familiar with processing and analyzing omics data in the certificate program.

Scholarship Opportunity: We are committed to ensuring accessibility to quality education. As such, we welcome anyone with an annual household income less than $70,000 or those experiencing financial hardships to apply for our scholarship program.

Office Hours: The programming is completely self-paced, but you can join virtual weekly office hours hosted on Zoom to get support from the teaching team.

Email us if you have questions:

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