CS 200 - Fall 2023. 10/30/2023.


Welcome to CS 200!

Video of the Day

Bit about Bytes: Understanding Python Bytecode

I hereby solicit suggestions for the video of the day. Please email me your ideas with explanations. Selected entries will win 5 homework points. If your video is played at the beginning of class, you must also briefly explain something about the video and something about yourself - in person.

Logical problem of the day

x = [True, True, False]
any(x) and not all(x)
What is the output of the above code?

https://pollev.com/slade You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.

Lecture 16: Computer Architecture.


  • I have Office hours via zoom, meeting ID 459 434 2854. Wednesday 4-6pm.

  • ULA office hours posted on csofficehours.org. See the posting on Ed Discussions for more information.

  • Homework assignments: [Assignments]. hw5 is available. You will submit with gradescope.

  • New book recommendation: You are not expected to understand this Online copy from the Yale Library. Tells lots of stories about computer science. Very easy to read.

  • time module (in Decorators notebook).
    time.time() → float

    Return the time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number. The handling of leap seconds is platform dependent. On Windows and most Unix systems, the leap seconds are not counted towards the time in seconds since the epoch. This is commonly referred to as Unix time.

    Midterm Exam II: Thursday November 9th, 7pm

  • Midterm exam Thursday November 9th, 7pm, WLH 207. As with the first midterm, the accessibility exam room will be WLH 211.

    The second midterm will similar to the first. You will have 2 hours. Here is a sample midterm exam. (solutions) There will also be a question on data structures.

    There will be a UNIX question, as in the first midterm. Here is a sample UNIX transcript (solutions) UNIX will cover through principle 3.

    Computer Architecture

    PVM.html jupyter notebook - Python Virtual Machine and hw5.

    The current version of Python, 3.11, generates some new byte codes that were not part of previous versions. I have added definitions for these op codes to hw5.py. See dis.html which includes bytecodes new in 3.11.

  • bytecode.py
  • pvm.py

  • Iterators.html

    Getting to know UNIX

    UNIX Introduction Principle 3.