Safe and secure?
Yale University Department of Computer Science
CS 467: Cryptography and Computer Security
Michael J. Fischer

Course Home Page, Fall 2006

TTh 1:00-2:15, AKW 200
CS Department CS Courses M. Fischer Home M. Fischer Email
Course Home Page
Lecture Notes
Old Announcements

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Recent Announcements:

  • 18 Dec. The newly-posted revision 2 of solutions to problem set 7 (.pdf) fixes some problems with the figure.

  • 17 Dec. Solutions to problem set 7 (.pdf) are available. Good luck on the exam!

  • 7 Dec. Three new/revised postings:

  • 7 Dec. Solutions to problem set 6 (.pdf) are available.

  • 7 Dec. I've posted updated and expanded notes for today's lecture 24 (.pdf).

  • 6 Dec. Important announcements regarding final exam:

    1. I plan to post a study guide for the final examination like I did for the midterm. I'll announce it when ready.
    2. The final exam will be given on Tuesday, December 19, at 9:00 am in room AKW 100. This information is copied from the Yale College Fall 2006 Exam Schedule, which is the official source in case of any discrepency.
    3. The final is a "2-hour" exam, which means you will be given 2 1/2 hours to work it. Format will be like the midterm: some choice of problems, closed book, calculators permitted but no PDA's, laptops, or other devices with text storage capabilities, graphing calculators are okay if the memory is cleared before the exam --- check this out with the TA before the start of the exam.
  • 5 Dec. I've posted Yinghua's slides from her lecture 23 today.

  • 1 Dec. I've posted problem set 7 (.pdf). It's due on Friday, December 8.

  • 30 Nov. I've posted the released version of the notes from today's lecture 22 (.pdf) as well as draft notes (.pdf) for the December 7 lecture.

  • 29 Nov. Here are draft notes (.pdf) for tomorrow's lecture. I also posted a handout on pseudorandom sequence generation that gives more detail than I will be able to cover in class.

  • 29 Nov. Here are lecture 21 notes (.pdf). I've added some material to address the problem in the coin-flipping protocol using bit commitments that I discovered during class yesterday.

  • 25 Nov. I've posted lecture 19 notes (rev. 2) (.pdf), a significant revision to the previously-posted notes that better reflects what was actually covered during that lecture, and lecture 20 notes (.pdf) from the last lecture before the Thanksgiving break.

  • 17 Nov. I've posted problem set 6 (.pdf). It's due on Thursday, November 30.

  • 4 Sep. A final examination will be given at the officially scheduled time, Tuesday, December 19, 9:00 am. Please take this into account when making your end-of-term travel plans. I do not plan to give an early exam for the convenience of those who want to leave campus early.

[Old Announcements]

Instructor Teaching Assistant
Name: Michael J. Fischer Yinghua Wu
Office: AKW 408 AKW 410
Phone: 432-1270 432-1239
Hours: By appointment MW 7:30-9:00 pm

Comments about this website should be directed to M. Fischer