CS 470 - Spring 2020.
Welcome to CS 470!
Video of the Day
Jacques Brel, Au printemps
Poll of the Day
What is the best music for spring? (We have recently heard Vivaldi,
Copland, Wagner, Stravinsky, Ravel, REM, Beethoven, Debussy, and Brel,
among others. You may have a different choice.)
You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.
COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
Google COVID-19 dataset
Lecture : Goal Based Decision Making. 4/22/2020
Zoom Guide for Yale Students Sign in using Yale zoom account.
I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, via zoom, standard meeting id: 316-021-726
ULA office hours - also on zoom. See the
[Contact Info and
Schedule] as well as piazza. The zoom office hours meetings are
posted on canvas, under zoom. If you have trouble connecting, post a
note to piazza or email cs470help@cs.yale.edu.
hw8 is now available.
CS 570 project assignment is also available in [Assignments].
Projects are due April 30th. Submit on the zoo as assignment 10.
Summer Positions through
Yale CS Faculty csv spreadsheet file.
Upcoming: Philosophy and Ethics of AI, Self Driving Cars, Goal-based
Decision Making
New Chapter 27 AIMA, fourth edition.
Scaz: AI and Ethics
Self-driving Cars: an introduction
Goal-based Decision Making Slade, talk at Amazon, Cambridge, 2017.
Cognitive Models of Decision Making: VOTE
A Realistic Model of Rationality (More readable PDF version of above.)
Running VOTE on the zoo
An Intentional Arithmetic for Qualitative Decision
human.java (Java human class with