The Zoo Computing Laboratory Yale University Computer Science Department |
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Open Zoo Phone: 2-2169 | Closed Zoo Phone: 2-2266 |
The official Zoo policy is as follows:
Using the WorkstationsZoo workstations are sometimes a scarce resource, especially when finals and majors' projects come around. In order to maximize the chance that there will always be free nodes available to those who need them, please observe the following rules: As we mentioned above, Do not log on to more than one machine at a time. DSAC reserve the right to log you out if you are logged on to more than one machine at a time.If you're logged in on a Zoo node and decide to leave briefly (for example, to use the restroom, hit the vending machines, or to go to dinner), you may "lock" your node. You can use one the built-in locking systems in KDE or Gnome, or you can run "xscreensaver &" (if it is not already running) and then "xscreensaver-command -lock". Locking a computer prevents other people from using the node, and it saves you the trouble of having to log out and then log back in. Remember that Zoo nodes are not your private property. If you're going to leave, log out. For the sake of etiquette, we ask that you limit your lock time for 2 hours if the Zoo isn't busy, and half an hour if it is. Remember that DSAC reserves the right to break your lock and log you out at any time. The Zoo machines themselves are configured to log out users whose terminals have been locked for more than 3 hours. Why?
Eating and DrinkingPlease do not feed the animals. In order to protect the machines, food and drink are prohibited in the Zoo. You can, however, bring snacks and eat them in the luxurious atrium area on the second floor, right downstairs from the Zoo. There is even a fridge available down there, but beware the grad students who are known to nosh many an errant snack!It is against the rules to smoke in Watson! TalkingPlease do not be disruptive in the Zoo. It is very easy to get on someone else's nerves in the Zoo, even if you don't realize you're doing it. Remember at all times that there are other people in the Zoo, and some (if not all) of them are trying to get work done. Observe the following:
PrintingUsing the printer requires some etiquette of its own. Everyone should have equal opportunity to print, so everyone needs to observe these guidelines.
HackingAhh, hacking. There are two definitions for this word. The first, and traditional one, entails staying up all night and writing cool code to distribute freely over the net (or to hand in to a professor). We heartily encourage that. The other, a product of the uninformed media, means intentionally bypassing security systems and/or maliciously damaging data. We don't like those types of hackers. If you feel tempted to look for passwords or write viruses or violate Yale's computer security policy in any way, keep in mind that it is illegal, unconstitutional, unethical; that it shows how immature you are; and that it will probably get you prosecuted and/or kicked out of Yale.And Finally...Now for some miscellaneous tips: