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Here be DSACs of Myth and Legend . . .the men and occasional woman who in their time bestrode the Zoo like conquering gods. Some people might say "nerds" instead of "conquering gods". Jealousy inspires such unseemly bitterness.
Quote: "Concerning the fact that this would be my second term on DSAC: It has been suggested that unless an organization institutes term limits, the rise of a dictatorial leader is inevitable, and with it the death-knell of freedom and democracy. Some bleeding-heart pansies would have you believe this is a bad thing. I think we should focus less on the negative and try to think more about the positive here. I would like to put forth the idea that power corrupts, but absolute power is absolutely awesome. If my library of dynamic quotes doesn't impress you, then I don't know what will."
Quote: "I want to write a bootable floppy operating system that runs a simple HTTP web server using the network add-in. I'm not sure why that strikes me as worth doing, but it does."
Quote: "We could solve this problem with a Guest Page Table." or: one side of the following exchange: "You know, if you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of laptops for an infinite amount of time, they would eventually produce the perfect operating system." --Yes, so? "Your program: three monkeys, fifteen minutes." --Ouch. "After the first ten minutes, they gave up and started throwing feces at each other."
Quote: "You know, they did this experiment on Navy SEALs, where they made them stay awake for two weeks. All of them recovered completely after three nights of ordinary sleep. So, that was two weeks. I think I should be able to handle at least one . . . "