Spring 2020 Computer Science 470 Lecture Summaries
Lecture 1 (1/13/20): Introductory Lecture.
Lecture 2 (1/15/20): Introductory Lecture, part II.
Lecture 3 (1/17/20): Classic Yale AI / Python.
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 4 (1/22/20): Classic Yale AI.
Lecture 5 (1/24/20): Intelligent Agents.
class transcript
Lecture 6 (1/27/20): Intelligent Agents.
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 7 (1/29/20): Intelligent Agents / Search.
Lecture 8 (1/31/20): Search / Thought Experiment.
class transcript (VOTE)
Lecture 9 (2/3/20): Search.
class transcript
Lecture 10 (2/5/20): Game Playing.
Lecture 11 (2/7/20): Game Playing.
class transcript
Lecture 12 (2/10/20): Constraint Satisfaction.
Lecture 13 (2/12/20): Propositional Logic.
Lecture 14 (2/14/20): First Order Logic.
Lecture 15 (2/17/20): expr, PropKB, Planning.
jupyter notebook html, expr, ProbKB
jupyter notebook html, planning
Lecture 16 (2/19/20): Planning.
jupyter notebook html, more planning
Lecture 17 (2/21/20): Hierarchical Planning.
class transcript - decorators
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 18 (2/24/20): Quantifying Uncertainty.
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 19 (2/26/20): Probabilistic Reasoning / Midterm Review.
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 20 (2/28/20): Making Complex Decisions / Midterm Review.
jupyter notebook html
3/2/20 10:30am: Midterm exam. Davies.
Lecture 21 (3/4/20): Learning.
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 22 (3/6/20): Learning.
jupyter notebook html
Spring Break
Lecture 23 (3/23/20): Learning.
jupyter notebook html
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 24 (3/25/20): Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 25 (3/27/20): Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 26 (3/30/20): Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 27 (4/1/20): Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 28 (4/3/20): Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 29 (4/6/20): Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 30 (4/8/20): Neural Networks / Deep Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 31 (4/10/20): Reinforcement Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 32 (4/13/20): Reinforcement Learning.
video of zoom lecture
Lecture 33 (4/15/20): Natural Language Processing.
video of zoom recording
jupyter notebook html
Lecture 34 (4/17/20): Guest Lecture: Professor Marynel Vázquez.
video of zoom recording
Lecture 35 (4/20/20): Natural Language Processing.
video of zoom recording
Lecture 36 (4/22/20): Goal based decision making.
video of zoom recording
Lecture 37 (4/24/20): Goal based decision making: VOTE.
class transcript - VOTE
video of zoom recording