CS 470 - Spring 2020.
Welcome to CS 470!
Video of the Day
Spot is hot!
Poll of the Day
The AI Fairy will grant you one wish. What would you like computers to
do (or not to do)?
You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.
Lecture : Classic Yale AI / Intelligent Agents. 1/22/2020
I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, Room 014
AKW. Also, I invite students to join me for lunch in a
residential college after class on Wednesdays. Today at noon at Franklin.
ULA office hours have begun. See the
[Contact Info and
Schedule] as well as piazza.
The course assumes proficiency in python programming. We will
spend a few lectures on python, but generally expect you to
accomplish that on your own, if you are not already an adept. If
you would like some help, as well as course credit, in learning
python, we recommend
CS 200,
which meets MW 2:30pm in WLH 120. We hear that the instructor is
quite charming. You can drop by this afternoon.
If you're thinking of taking
CPSC 470, please do the following.
this online Student Information form.
Get a course account for CPSC 470 on the Zoo. When you register for
this class, your course account should be created within one hour or
so of signing up.
Confirm your
piazza account.
I have created piazza accounts for the class. You should have
received an email requesting that you validate your account. The
guys at Canvas have alerted the Yale community that Piazza now
automatically shares your information with potential employers and
their ilk. ( how to turn this feature off.)
Start the homework assignment:
[Assignments]. It is a python refresher. hw1 is now available.
Lecture: Intelligent Agents
Slides: 2019 Intelligent Agents These slides are from Professor Scassellati.
Eliza in emacs: meta-x doctor
POMDP Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes.
ALIVE (Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment)
Slides: AIMA chapter 2 uses LISP. From Russell at Berkeley.
6 up
agents.ipynb agents jupyter notebook, from Norvig.
You need to understand this code and its
related python modules to tackle hw1.
hw1.html is now available: vacuum cleaner world! hw1.ipynb
Classic Yale AI
The second approach is how can we get computers to replicate human
cognitive behavior. That is, we assume that human cognition comprises
a vast number of processes and algorithms. What are those processes
and can we embody those in a computer?
The goal is not only to create smart programs, but also to provide insights into
how people think. This is a cognitive science approach, which has a variety
of benefits.
- A computer that thinks like a person should be better at communicating with a person.
- A computer that makes decisions as a person would should be able to explain
the decision to a person and perhaps persuade a person to change her mind.
- A computer that learns as a person does could provide the basis for programs
that are better at teaching and educating people.
- A computer that understands human interpersonal relationships might be able
to use that as a model for relating to other intelligent agents - both carbon
and silicon based.
- A computer that understood and even displayed emotions should be better
at communicating with people, pace Mr. Spock.
Classic Yale AI began in 1974 with the arrival of Roger Schank at
the Yale Computer Science Department, who collaborated with
Robert Abelson in psychology. Here are the players.
- Roger Schank. Created conceptual dependency, a language of thought independent of
any natural language.
1973 paper I took CS 470/570 from Schank in 1977.
- Robert Abelson. Developed script theory with Schank.
- Robert Wilensky. Student of Schank and Abelson who developed theory of plans,
including the persuade package. After
Yale, he was a professor at Berkeley.
- James Meehan. Student of Schank who wrote story generation program TALE-SPIN based
on planning theory. See examples and mis-spun tales
and grand text auto. His thesis was entitled The Meta Novel.
- Drew McDermott. Moved to Yale from MIT in 1976. He taught this course (CS 470) for many
years. See Artificial Intelligence
meets Natural Stupidity Drew McDermott, 1976.
- Ernest Davis. Student of McDermott. On the faculty at NYU. See
AI Is Harder Than You Think New York Times, 2018.
- Stephen Slade. Student of Schank, Abelson, and McDermott.
(History of Yale AI Project)
an interpersonal, goal-based model of decision making.
- Peter Norvig. Student of Wilensky (at Berkeley). He is Director of Research
at Google and the co-author of our textbook.
- There are dozens of others, but these are the usual suspects.
You are familiar with the Turing Test for AI, which is often dismissed these days. The Turing
Test was largely replaced in the academic community by Searle's
Chinese Room, which
was inspired by a 1979 visit by Searle to the Yale Artificial Intelligence Lab.
Modern AI and Classic Yale AI are two perspectives. You may view them in Hegelian
terms of thesis and antithesis. In this course, we argue for the synthesis. Other
dimensions of the duality include
- orthodox vs iconoclastic.
- respectful vs irreverent.
- quantitative vs qualitative.
- neat vs scruffy. (Abelson's terms. It is of interest that Abelson was
a world class statistician. Yet, he was attracted to qualitative AI methods.)
CS 470 Thought Experiment Please complete. The purpose of this
is to get you thinking about the topics, not to find the correct answer.
Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Google Python Class
Notes on Google Python Class
Once you have a foundation in python from the google class, you should tackle the following topics, needed for AI programming:
listcomp.py list comprehensions
object oriented programming load:
stack.py stacks / data structures
0117.ipynb jupyter note book to demo above files. You need to open it in jupyter in a directory containing
the above python files.
Other topics: exceptions, iterators, generators, decorators,
networking, python virtual machine.
hw0a.ipynb This is
a jupyter notebook. You need to open it in jupyter.