CS 470 - Spring 2020.


Welcome to CS 470!

Video of the Day

Spring, Vivaldi by popular demand - Perlman.

Poll of the Day

Exit Interview Google form to provide feedback for the course.

Lecture : Goal Based Decision Making / VOTE. 4/24/2020


  • Zoom Guide for Yale Students Sign in using Yale zoom account.
  • zoom update this weekend

  • I have no more scheduled office hours. You may reach out to me by email or piazza.

  • ULA office hours - also on zoom. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza. The zoom office hours meetings are posted on canvas, under zoom. If you have trouble connecting, post a note to piazza or email cs470help@cs.yale.edu.

  • [Assignments]. hw8 is now available.

  • CS 570 project assignment is also available in [Assignments]. Projects are due April 30th. Submit on the zoo as assignment 10.

  • Summer Positions through Yale CS Faculty csv spreadsheet file.

  • Question about course grades: story about Alan Perlis.

    Finale: Philosophy and Ethics of AI, Self Driving Cars, Goal-based Decision Making

  • New Chapter 27 AIMA, fourth edition.
  • Scaz: AI and Ethics
  • A Snapshot of the Frontiers of Fairness in Machine Learning CACM, May 2020. Hot off the presses.

  • Self-driving Cars: an introduction

  • Goal-based Decision Making Slade, talk at Amazon, Cambridge, 2017.
  • AOC Lone Democrat to Vote against thr latest stimulus bill Importance of the explanation in driving the decision.
  • Cognitive Models of Decision Making: VOTE
  • A Realistic Model of Rationality (More readable PDF version of above.)
  • Running VOTE on the zoo
  • An Intentional Arithmetic for Qualitative Decision Making
  • Affect
  • human.java (Java human class with emotions)
  • Farewell - Remember Mother's Day

    The Lanyard Billy Collins
