1 Dec. I've just posted a study guide to exam 2
(.pdf) which
you might find useful in reviewing for tomorrow's
exam. Sorry for the lateness in posting it.
15 Nov. I posted cleaned-up versions of
the exceptions demos presented in class last Thursday
to the Lecture Notes
10 Nov. End of term
Second hour exam will be held
during the last regular class period of the term,
Thursday, December 2, 1:00-2:15 pm.
Project (.pdf).
A one-page project proposal is due on
Thursday, November 18. It can be submitted
online as assignment number
The completed project and report are due
on the last day of Reading Period,
Friday, December
10. They can be submitted online as
assignment number
This deadline cannot be extended
except by a Temporary Incomplete authorized
by the student's residential college
If you are not certain what would make a good
term project, please ask.
- There is no final exam, and class will
not meet during exam week.
8 Nov. I added a reference on the resources page to the online
C++ FAQs, Second Edition, by Marshall
Cline, Greg Lomow, and Mike Girou.
5 Nov. Reminder: "Can is not the same as
should!" (lecture
26 Oct. Here is the link to the code for PS4. (I need to find a
more permanent place for links to the assignment
directory on the Zoo.) Sorry for any confusion.
25 Oct. I just posted Problem Set 4 (.pdf). It is due before
midnight on Friday, November 5.
12 Oct. I just posted the solution for
problem set 3. It can be found in /c/cs427/assignments/ps3/solution
on the Zoo.
My solution has 7 classes: Random, Params, Player,
FicklePlayer, CrowdPlayer, Population, and Simulator.
You should think about why this is or is not a
logical way to structure this problem. What does the
simulator need to know about the population in order
to carry out its simulation? What does the population
need to know about the individual players?
12 Oct. I've just posted a study guide to exam 1
(.pdf) which you
might find helpful in preparing for Thursday's exam.
Please let me know if I have inadvertently included
sections of the textbook on the reading list that we
simply haven't covered.
5 Oct. Two important
The due date
for Problem Set 3 has been extended to before midnight,
Friday, October 8.
The midterm
exam will be next week on
Thursday, October 14, at the regular class time
and place.
(I apologize for teling some of you today that
it would not be so soon, but I the Yale College
drop date is October 22, and I want to allow
enough time to get the graded exams back to you
before then.)
30 Sep. I just posted the solution for
problem set 2 that was discussed in class today. The
code is in /c/cs427/assignments/ps2/solution
on the Zoo.
28 Sep. I just posted Problem Set 3 (.pdf). It is due before
midnight on Wednesday, October 6.
24 Sep. The email address for me that used
to be on this page was incorrect. I actually have two
addresses that both work:
If you were trying to send me email and it
bounced, please retry using one of these two.
23 Sep. I just posted a solution for the
programming part of problem set 1. The code is in
19 Sep. I just posted Problem Set 2 (.pdf). It is due before
midnight on Monday, September 27.
15 Sep. Scroll down to see new TA office
location and office hours.
14 Sep. The instructions for remote
connection to the Zoo are posted as handout 3 (.pdf).
10 Sep. I just posted Problem Set 1 (.pdf). It is due before
midnight on Friday, September 17.
8 Sep.I posted notes and demos for lecture
2 to the Lecture Notes
page. The demos can be also accessed directly from
the Zoo in directory
5 Sep. I just posted somewhat expanded and
reorganized slides from Thursday's lecture 1 (.pdf). Links to all of the
available lecture notes can always be found at
Lecture Notes.
3 Sep. Welcome to the CPSC 427a web site.
Look here for announcements and course materials.
[Old Announcements]