1. | September 4, 2008: Course Overview, Introduction. [slides] |
2. | September 9, 2008: Games with Complete Information, Pure Strategies, Mixed Strategies, Nash Equilibrium. (AGT Chapter 1) [notes] |
3. | September 11, 2008: Dominance Solvability, Rationalizability, Correlated Equilibrium, Bayesian Games. (AGT Chapter 1) [notes] |
4. | September 16, 2008: Mechanism Design, Auctions, Vickrey-Clark-Groves Mechanism. (AGT Chapters 9 and 10) [notes] |
5. | September 18, 2008: Theory of Computation, Computational Complexity, P, NP, PSPACE. [notes] |
6. | September 23, 2008: Coping with NP-hardness: Special Cases and Approximation Algorithms. |
7. | September 25, 2008: Internet History, Architecture, and Routing. [slides] |
8. | September 30, 2008: Routing Games. [slides] |
9. | October 2, 2008: Distributed algorithmic mechanism design and interdomain routing. |
10. | October 7, 2008: Network-formation games. |
11. | October 9, 2008: Combinatorial Auction: Complements and Substitutes, Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism [notes] |
12. | October 14, 2008: Combinatorial Auctions: Ascending Price Algorithm, Gross Substitute Property [notes] |
13. | October 16, 2008: Exam 1: Questions and Answers |
14. | October 21, 2008: Combinatorial Auctions: Linear Programming, Duality, Walrasian Equilibrium. [notes] |
15. | October 23, 2008: Sponsored Search Auction: VCG and Generalized Second Price Auction |
16. | October 28, 2008: Sponsored Search Auction: Envy Freeness and Linear Programming |
17. | October 30, 2008: Sponsored Search Auction: Incomplete Information and Ascending Auction |
18. | November 4, 2008: Online Privacy [slides] |
19. | November 6, 2008: Digital Copyright [slides] |
20. | November 11, 2008: An Economic Analysis of DRM [paper] |
21. | November 13, 2008: Recommender Systems and Collaborative Filtering [slides] |
22. | November 18, 2008: Reputation and Trust [notes] |
23. | November 20, 2008: Friedman and Resnick's "Pay Your Dues" strategy for repeated games with cheap pseudonyms (AGT Chapter 27) and overview of information markets (see Pennock's tutorial slides). |
24. | December 2, 2008: Guest lecture on real combinatorial auctions by William Walsh of CombinetNet. Overview and background reading can be found here. |
25. | December 4, 2008: Exam 2: Questions and Answers |
Professor Dirk Bergemann: | Tuesdays, 1:00 to 2:30 pm |
Professor Joan Feigenbaum: | Thursdays, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and by appointment |
TA Aaron Johnson: | Wednesdays, 2:30 to 3:30 pm and by appointment |
October 2, 2008: | First HW due |
October 14, 2008: | Second HW due |
October 16, 2008: | First Exam (in class) |
October 24, 2008: | Fall semester drop date |
October 30, 2008: | Third HW due |
November 13, 2008: | Fourth HW due |
December 2, 2008: | Fifth HW due |
December 4, 2008: | Second Exam (in class) |
Exam 1 in ECON 425/563 // CPSC 455/555 will be given in class on Oct 16, 2008.
It will cover five basic topics:
This material is covered in
Exam 2 in ECON 425/563 // CPSC 455/555 will be held in class on December 4, 2008 and will cover the following topics:
To study for this exam, you should review: