Security through authority.
Yale University Department of Computer Science
CS 467: Cryptography and Computer Security
Michael J. Fischer

Course Handouts, Fall 2005
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Look here for links to on-line course handouts.

  1. Syllabus (.pdf or .ps)

  2. Problem set 1 (.pdf or .ps)

  3. Problem set 2 (.pdf or .ps)

  4. Number theory summary (.pdf or .ps)

  5. Linear congruence equations (.pdf or .ps)

  6. The Legendre and Jacobi symbols (.pdf or .ps)

  7. Problem set 3 (.pdf or .ps)

  8. Study guide for the midterm (.pdf or .ps)

  9. Solutions to problem set 1 (.pdf or .ps)

  10. Solutions to problem set 2 (.pdf or .ps)

  11. Midterm examination (.pdf or .ps)

  12. Solutions to problem set 3 (.pdf or .ps)

  13. Problem set 4 (.pdf or .ps)

  14. Problem set 5 (.pdf or .ps)

  15. Solutions to midterm examination (.pdf or .ps)

  16. Problem set 6 (.pdf or .ps)

  17. Solutions to problem set 4 (.pdf or .ps)

  18. Problem set 7 (.pdf or .ps)

  19. Solutions to problem set 5 (.pdf or .ps)

  20. Problem set 8 (.pdf or .ps)

  21. Pseudorandom sequence generation (.pdf or .ps)

  22. Solutions to problem set 6 (.pdf or .ps)

  23. Solutions to problem set 7 (.pdf or .ps)

  24. Solutions to problem set 8 (.pdf or .ps)

  25. Study guide for the final exam (.pdf or .ps)

Handouts are available in several formats:

  • PDF files can be read and printed with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader® software.

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    You can also use the X PDF viewer program (xpdf) on the Zoo.
  • PostScript files can be sent directly to a Zoo printer with the "lpr" command, and they can be read using ghostview (gv). 
  • HTML files can be viewed directly in your browser. However, mathematical symbols do not render properly on all browsers, and heavily-mathematical notes can become unreadable. I will try to verify that any HTML I post renders reasonably using mozilla and firefox, both available on the Zoo. If you are using another browser, your mileage may vary.
All of the .pdf and .ps files can be found in the Zoo directory

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