CS 470 - Spring 2020.


Welcome to CS 470!

Video of the Day

Ravel, Spring Duo for Viola and Piano

Poll of the Day

When should the country (USA) be reopened? When you think it actually will happen?

https://pollev.com/cs470 You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE Google COVID-19 dataset

Lecture : Reinforcement Learning. 4/13/2020


  • Zoom Guide for Yale Students Sign in using Yale zoom account.

  • Security and Privacy Implications of Zoom Some of you took my CS 257 course on Informatation Security. Apparently zoom is rife with security issues. This article is by Bruce Schneier who is a leading security guru, not some quack.

  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, via zoom, standard meeting id: 316-021-726

  • ULA office hours - also on zoom. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza. The zoom office hours meetings are posted on canvas, under zoom. If you have trouble connecting, post a note to piazza or email cs470help@cs.yale.edu.

  • [Assignments]. Exploring reports of bugs in learning.py code for perceptron and others. See posting on piazza about slicing out feature columns that are not inputs.
    Extension to Sunday April 12th at 11:59pm.

    hw7 has been posted: hw7.html reinforcement learning.
    Extension to Sunday April 19th at 11:59pm.

    From piazza: a student asked if it is OK simply to copy and paste pages of RL code for the blackjack problem.

    My goal is that you understand what is going on. You are right. There is lots of code out there. Some of it uses TensorFlow or PyTorch. You are welcome to use that code.

    You need to include narrative in your jupyter notebook that explains what is going on. It should be easier to write a coherent explanation if you first understand the code yourself. Imagine that you were given this assignment at work and had to present your result to your manager. Generally, your boss does not care where the code came from (assuming you didn't steal it). Your boss wants to be convinced that you know what you are doing in case the code needs to be adapted or maintained.

    Try to take that perspective.

    Note: you should cite any borrowed code. You may not use a classmate's code. Also, this raises a broader issue for AI programs. It is often not enough that they come up with an answer. They need to be able to explain their answer. A black box that cannot justify its decision is not usually what you want. Similarly, you need to be able to justify your results. Ideally, your program should as well.

  • CS 570 project assignment is also available in [Assignments]. Projects are due April 30th. Submit on the zoo as assignment 10.

  • On Friday April 17th, we will have a guest lecture by Professor Marynel Vázquez. She will discuss her research on detecting human spatial formations typical of conversations and describe how this is useful for HRI. Below are the main papers she will cover.

    Final Exam: Friday May 1, 2pm

    The final exam will be open book and take home. I will provide more information about the scope in the coming weeks.

    In light of the Universal Pass policy, there will be no final exam.

    Lecture: Reinforcement Learning

  • Readings: chapter 21
  • 2019 Scassellati Slides: rl.html


