The Internet: Co-Evolution of Technology and Society CPSC 156, Spring 2007

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Note: This schedule is tentative. Small adjustments may be necessary.

Lecture notes and reading assignments will be available in one of two formats. To view the PowerPoint version, you will need Microsoft PowerPoint 97/98/2000/2001/XP/v.X or the Microsoft PowerPoint viewer (free download) installed on your machine. To view PDF files, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download) installed on your machine. To extract ZIP files or compress files, you will need WinZip (free download) installed on your machine.

Schedule: Tuesdays Thursdays
January 16

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Website for the 2003 version of CPSC156


January 18

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF


January 23

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 1 Posted


  • ICANN article in Wikipedia

January 25

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

January 30

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF


  • Chapter 1 of Information Rules, by Shapiro and Varian. (Available in paper form only)

February 1

Today's lecture was based on the second half of the slides for the January 30, 2007 CPSC156 lecture (.PPT, .PDF) and the first half of the slides for the September 18, 2003 CPSC156 lecture (.PPT).

Homework Assignment 1 Due: Solutions

Homework Assignment 2 Posted


February 6

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF


February 8

Today's lecture was based on the second half of the slides for the February 6, 2007 CPSC 156 lecture (.PPT, .PDF) and on the article "Thoughts on Music," by Steve Jobs, which is today's reading assignment.


February 13

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 2 Due: Solutions

February 15

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 3 Posted


February 20

Guest Lecture: Eddan Katz

February 22

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 3 Due

February 27

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

March 1

In-class Exam 1: Exam and Answer Key

March 6

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

March 8

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF


March 27

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF


March 29

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 4 Posted

April 3

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

April 5

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

The material in these lecture notes is explained on pages 28-34 of "Applied Cryptography," by Bruce Schneier. Paper copies were distributed in class and are available from the TA.

April 10

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 4 Due: Solutions

April 12

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

Homework Assignment 5 Posted


  • Following up on the discussion in today's class, listen to the episode of KCRW's "The Politics of Culture" pointed to on this webpage:
    and read a sample of the news articles that the page points to. (There is a lot of overlap in these articles, and so you should just choose one or two from whichever periodicals you prefer.)

April 17

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

April 19

Homework Assignment 5 Due: Solutions

Lecture 23 was about "Net Neutrality." This material will not be tested on Exam 2 next week. Interested students can read more about the topic in the following article by Huston:

April 24

Lecture Notes: PowerPoint, PDF

April 26

In-class Exam 2: Exam and Answer Key