Date Description
2020-09-01 Compilers vs. Interpreters
Great Circle Distance Calculator initial version with functions in two separate files with functions
2020-09-03 Separate compilation, State machines
Great circle distance makefile
2020-09-08 Files, arrays, and strings
2020-09-15 Pointers
Stack frames

2020-09-22 resizing a dynamically allocated array
TSP with dynamically allocated array
TSP with a list ADT
TSP with opaque struct for city_list ADT
2020-09-24 Aggregate analysis for adding to array
2020-09-29 Expected vs. Amortized time; List ADT running times
TSP using list ADT in route_insert
2020-10-01 Blob finding with a stack
2020-10-06 Linked List memory diagrams
List ADT with iterators and for_each
2020-10-08 Union/find memory diagrams
2020-10-13 Map ADT
Map implemented using an unsorted array
2020-10-15 Chained Hash Table; Dynamic Programming
2020-10-20 Open Addressing
Exam #1 Practice Problems and solutions
2020-10-27 Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees
2020-10-29 Double Rotations, Inorder Traversal, BST Remove; Decision Trees
2020-11-03 AVL Delete; Red-Black Trees
2020-11-05 Red-Black Tree Delete; Tries
2020-11-10 Graphs; Graph Representation
2020-11-12 Depth-First Search
2020-11-17 Applications of DFS
2020-11-19 Priority Queues; Heaps
2020-12-01 Shortest Paths in Weighted Graphs
2020-12-03 Exam #2 Practice Problems and solutions