CS 470 - Spring 2020.
Welcome to CS 470!
Video of the Day
Haydn's The Four
Seasons: Introduction and Spring
Poll of the Day
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you in the spring? Aside
from being admitted to Yale.
You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.
COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
Lecture : Learning. 4/1/2020
Zoom Guide for Yale Students Sign in using Yale zoom account.
I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, via zoom, standard meeting id: 316-021-726
ULA office hours - also on zoom. See the
[Contact Info and
Schedule] as well as piazza. The zoom office hours meetings are
posted on canvas, under zoom. If you have trouble connecting, post a
note to piazza or email cs470help@cs.yale.edu.
hw6 has been posted.
- There was an issue with embedded commas in the name field of the .csv files. The parse_csv() function did not handle this correctly. I have edited
the .csv files to remove the offending commas. You should use the
revised files. Note: the prediction results from the learning algorithms
did not change much after fixing the commas. I would expect that
it would make a difference when running predictions on the test data.
- If you manually update fields like age, you may edit the .csv fils
and submit those files along with hw6.ipynb file.
- You may use other python modules, like numpy or pandas, to
modify the data. As someone pointed out, the aima code does not
use the dataframe format. Therefore, you can convert the
titanic.examples list to the desired format, manipulate the
data, and then convert it back to the list format used by
CS 570 project assignment is also available in [Assignments].
So far three have been submitted and approved.
Final Exam: Friday May 1, 2pm
The final exam will be open book and take home. I will provide more
information about the scope in the coming weeks.
Lecture: Learning
Readings: chapters 18-20
2019 Scassellati Slides:
Stuart Russell, Berkeley Slides:
AIMA chapter 18
6up Learning from Observations
AIMA chapter 20a
6up Statistical Learning
AIMA chapter 20b
6up Neural Networks
- distance functions
- plurality learner classifier
- k-nearest neighbors classifier
decision tree learner
- random forest learner
- naive Bayes learner.
- Perceptron Classifier
- Linear Learner
- Ensemble Learner
- Learner Evaluation
- k-Nearest Neighbor Example
- AdaBoost
Machine Learning using scikit learn sklearn.html
- sklcompare.py compare various
sci kit learn algorithms. Included in above notebook.
- Question about white areas in sklcompare plots:
Uses RdBu Diverging colormap There is a spectrum
from red to Blue, with white in the middle.
Continue with MNIST PL.
- Modified NIST. Orginal training
data from US census and testing data
from US high school students. "Re-mixed".
0401.html Statistics / Naive Bayes.
We (naively) assume that the features are independent to make computations easier.
Jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts
Lecture: Reinforcement Learning
Readings: chapter 21
2019 Scassellati Slides: