CS 470 - Spring 2020.


Welcome to CS 470!

Video of the Day

Haydn's The Four Seasons: Introduction and Spring

Poll of the Day

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you in the spring? Aside from being admitted to Yale.

https://pollev.com/cs470 You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE

Lecture : Learning. 4/1/2020


  • Zoom Guide for Yale Students Sign in using Yale zoom account.

  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, via zoom, standard meeting id: 316-021-726

  • ULA office hours - also on zoom. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza. The zoom office hours meetings are posted on canvas, under zoom. If you have trouble connecting, post a note to piazza or email cs470help@cs.yale.edu.

  • [Assignments]. hw6 has been posted.

  • CS 570 project assignment is also available in [Assignments]. So far three have been submitted and approved.

    Final Exam: Friday May 1, 2pm

    The final exam will be open book and take home. I will provide more information about the scope in the coming weeks.

    Lecture: Learning

  • Readings: chapters 18-20
  • 2019 Scassellati Slides:
  • Stuart Russell, Berkeley Slides:

  • 0304.ipynb 0304.html
  • 0306.ipynb 0306.html
  • 0323.ipynb 0323.html
  • Machine Learning using scikit learn sklearn.html
  • learning_apps.ipynb learning_apps.html Continue with MNIST PL.
  • 0401.ipynb 0401.html Statistics / Naive Bayes. We (naively) assume that the features are independent to make computations easier.

  • neural_nets.ipynb neural_nets.html
  • learning.ipynb learning.html

  • Jupyter notebook keyboard shortcuts

    Lecture: Reinforcement Learning

  • Readings: chapter 21
  • 2019 Scassellati Slides: rl.html
