17 Oct. I have posted a study guide for midterm
examination (.pdf) to help you prepare for
the exam next Monday. I've tried to give a guide to
the parts of the textbook that correspond to the
material that I have covered in lecture, but you will
find that the text contains several topics that have
not been mentioned elsewhere in the course. Don't
worry about them — the midterm will not ask
about anything that has not been at least mentioned
in the lectures or problem sets.
13 Oct. The lecture
notes have been updated. I added material on the
Euclidean algorithm to the previously-posted lecture
notes 9. The new version is "Notes 9 (rev. 2)" (.pdf). Lecture notes 10 (.pdf) are unchanged. Lecture notes 11 (.pdf) are new.
12 Oct. Xueyuan has prepared solutions to problem set 2
12 Oct. Two announcements:
Reminder: The midterm exam will be held on
Monday, October 20, at the usual
class time and place.
I just posted Problem Set 3 (.pdf). Although it
is not due until after the midterm, I urge you to
work as much of it as you can before the exam
since it covers material that may be on the
8 Oct. I just posted three handouts on number theory. These
cover most of the number theory that we will be using
in this course.
2 Oct. Notes for lectures 7 and 8 are now
26 Sep. I posted notes for lectures 4-6. I also made some
minor revisions to the notes for lectures 2 and 3
(such as correcting the spelling of "Caesar").
25 Sep. Problem
Set 2 (.pdf) is available. It
is due before midnight on Friday, October 3.
20 Sep. Wednesday TA office hours have
moved to Tuesday. Friday hours are unchanged. (See
correction below and current
13 Sep. The TA, Xueyuan
Su, will hold office hours each
Wednesday Tuesday from 4:00-5:30 pm and
Friday from 2:30-3:45 pm.
13 Sep. Xueyuan found that I had reversed
the termination test in the
-loop of
in the new handout on
Random Number
Generation (.pdf). The just-posted
revision 2 fixes this problem.
11 Sep. Problem
Set 1 (.pdf)
requires that you generate random numbers according
to an arbitrary finite distribution. I have prepared
a handout on Random Number
Generation (.pdf)
to help you with this.
11 Sep. I posted notes for Lecture 3 (.pdf). I also revised the
notes for Lecture 2
(.pdf) to correct a
typo in the decryption function of section 11.1.
10 Sep. Problem
Set 1 (.pdf) is available. It
is due before midnight on Wednesday, September 24.
Please follow the instructions in the syllabus to sign up for
a Zoo account if you haven't done so already.
6 Sep. The main course web site is located
here on the Zoo, and all announcements will continue
to appear here. However, I will be making some use of
the Yale
classes*v2 server. In particular, I am using it
to maintain the class email list, and I will try to
keep the on-line calendar there up to date. I have
not used the discussion group or chat room facilities
in the past but would consider doing so if there were
interest. However, for now, email to fischer-michael@cs.yale.edu
is a more reliable way of reaching me.
6 Sep. I posted the notes for last
Wednesday's lecture 1. They are available in both
HTML and PDF forms.
The HTML version does not always render math
symbols correctly. It's intended use is for quick
on-line browsing. The PDF version should always be
used for printing or whenever something doesn't look
right in the HTML version.
Links to the available lecture notes can always be
found on the Lecture
Notes page, which in turn can be accessed from
the left side bar.
5 Sep. The midterm exam will be held on
Monday, October 20, at the usual
class time and place.
3 Sep. Welcome to the CPSC 467a web site.
Look here for announcements and course materials.
3 Sep. There will be no class on
Wednesday, September 17. The makeup class
will be during Reading Week on Monday, December 8, at
the regular time and place.
3 Sep. A final examination will be given at
the officially scheduled time, Monday,
December 15, 2:00 pm. Those enrolled under
the graduate number CPSC 567a are also expected to
take the final exam. Please
take this into account when making your end-of-term
travel plans. I do not plan to give an early
exam for the convenience of those who want to leave
campus early.