Date Description
2019-01-15 Motivation/Big-O Review
2019-01-17 Matching by Gale-Shapley
2019-01-22 Implementation of Gale-Shapley; Invariants
2019-01-24 Gale-Shapley Invariant
2019-01-29 Gale-Shapley Post-Condition and Machinist Optimality
2019-01-31 Greedy Activity Selection
2019-02-05 Minimizing Maximum Lateness
2019-02-07 Kruskal's Algorithm
2019-02-12 Prim's Algorithm
2019-02-14 Dijkstra's Algorithm
2019-02-19 Dijkstra's Correctness
2019-02-21 Bellman-Ford, Weighted Interval Scheduling
2019-02-26 Seam Carving, Vendor Scheduling, Longest Common Subsequence
2019-03-05 Mergesort, Counting Inversions, Integer Multiplication
2019-03-07 Master Method, Closest Pair
2019-03-26 Bipartite Matching, Maximum Flow
2019-03-28 Ford-Fulkerson, Max-Flow/Min-Cut
2019-04-02 Max Flow in Poly Time, Lower Bounds
2019-04-04 Reductions
2019-04-09 More Reductions
2019-04-11 P, NP, NP-complete
2019-04-16 SAT problems and Cook-Levin
2019-04-18 3-Coloring, HP/HC, co-NP
2019-04-23 PSPACE, Approximation and Randomized Algorithms