
> > > > Examples and Notes

Date Description
2018-01-16 Gale-Shapley
2018-01-18 Running Time, Correctness of Gale-Shapley
2018-01-23 M-optimality of Gale-Shapley
2018-01-25 Interval Scheduling
2018-01-30 Minimizing Lateness
2018-02-01 Optimal Caching
2018-02-06 Dijkstra's Algorithm
2018-02-08 Invariant for Dijkstra's Algorithm
2018-02-13 Prim's Algorithm
2018-02-15 Kruskal's Algorithm
2018-02-20 Dynamic Programming
2018-02-22 Counting, Seam Carving, Vendor Scheduling
2018-02-27 DAG Problems, LCS
2018-03-06 Divide and Conquer
2018-03-08 Integer, Matrix, and Polynomial Multiplication
2018-03-27 Bipartite Matching and Maximum Flow
2018-03-29 Ford-Fulkerson
2018-04-03 Max Flow in Poly Time; Lower Bounds
2018-04-05 Reductions
2018-04-10 P, NP, and NP-complete
2018-04-12 More NP-complete problems
2018-04-17 co-NP, PSPACE
Upcoming Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms
(Class notes are very likely to deviate from these previews)

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